Your Sunday read is an interesting piece in the Daily Beast about - TopicsExpress


Your Sunday read is an interesting piece in the Daily Beast about how the Tea Party isnt a political movement so much as it is a religious one. Id say I agree entirely except with the last paragraph about how the writer mistakenly believes that the Tea Party recognizes that government cant establish religion. Almost every single person in that movement believes in everything the huckster-liar David Barton (and his revisionist ilk) writes about the Founding Fathers having been fundagelical Christians JUST LIKE THEM, TOTALLY! and how that means that therefore this is a Christian country and WAR ON CHRISTMAS and PERSECUTION and THEY CAN JUST CLOSE THEIR EARS IF THEY DONT LIKE OUR PRAYERS AT GRADUATION and RELIGIOUS LIBERTY (for them to do whatever they want of course) and blargh blargh blargh. The Tea Party is built upon a presumption of Christian supremacy and takes totally for granted that their extremist vision of America is a fundagelical one and not a secular one in any way. Their membership thoroughly believes that America is Israel version 2.0, that Jesus himself is personally overseeing the country and even setting its borders, that Christians deserve to rule over non-Christians, and that secularism is of the debbil, as is diversity and tolerance (though they use the word tolerance, its not in any way that normal people would recognize; extremists often redefine big words they dont understand). It was quite jarring to me to see that stunning of a mistake in an otherwise well-written piece. But otherwise, I thought yall would like it. Happy Sunday! Im off to find coffee. This has been a fun first week for me and I hope youve enjoyed it as well. thedailybeast/articles/2014/07/13/the-tea-party-isn-t-a-political-movement-it-s-a-religious-one.html
Posted on: Sun, 13 Jul 2014 17:44:47 +0000

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