Your aspirations are fulfilled when you finally stepped into the - TopicsExpress


Your aspirations are fulfilled when you finally stepped into the world created for you to dwell.when your heart desires are met,you feel so completed.Your aspirations dont come by accident or coincidence rather they come when you go for them,they happen when your dreams become reality;you fulfil them when amidst hurdles,cataracts,pot-holes you crossed the boundary to the land of your dream.Never comfort yourself of your aspirations by mere asumptions just like assuming you can drive when you get old neva owning a car or keeping a carpentary harmer while you neva had visited a carpentary shop.Insteads of comforting youself of dreams that are yet to be dream,BE INSPIRED BY THE THINGS YOU SEE AROUND,BE INSPIRED BY YOUR PRESENT CONDITION,TAKE HAPPENINGS NOT AS MERE SITUATIONS DAT HAPPEN TO ANYBODY BT AS MIRROR DAT REFLECTS YOU FUTURE ASPIRATIONS,AS FRIENDS THAT REACH OUT THEIR HELPING HANDS TOWARDS YOUR DESTINY............,
Posted on: Fri, 27 Sep 2013 06:03:25 +0000

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