Your calling and faxing efforts over the last week have helped - TopicsExpress


Your calling and faxing efforts over the last week have helped encourage several Republican Senators in joining Sen. Jeff Sessions in his call for a vote on Pres. Obamas executive amnesties! Most notably, Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) issued a statement this week urging Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid to bring H.R.5272 to the floor. The bill, introduced by Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.) and passed by the House on their final day of session before leaving for the August recess, would defund future DACA applications and renewals and future work permits for illegal aliens. The House has passed two bills to address the humanitarian crisis on our southern border, and the Senate should vote on them. Thats why I began the process of putting them on the Senates legislative calendar shortly before the current recess, and I urge Majority Leader Reid to schedule a vote on these bills as soon as the Senate returns. -- Sen. Mitch McConnell Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) authored the Senate version of the Blackburn bill, S.2631, and this week wrote an op-ed for a Texas Tribune publication that not only called for a vote to end DACA, but also blamed it for the ongoing border surge. In 2011, before this policy was enacted without approval from Congress, roughly 6,000 unaccompanied children were apprehended at the border; in 2014, with the policy in effect, an estimated 90,000 children will cross the border, many of them smuggled by vicious criminals. -- Sen. Ted Cruz Sen. Jerry Moran (R-Kan.), who chairs the National Republican Senatorial Committee, also joined Sessions effort. Majority Leader Harry Reid and Senate Democrats should allow a vote on the House-passed anti-DACA Bill. I am a cosponsor of a Senate version of this legislation and believe Americas elected representatives should be allowed to debate and vote on whether amnesty should be given to millions of illegal immigrants. -- Sen. Jerry Moran Sen. Sessions colleague from Alabama, Sen. Richard Shelby (R-Ala.), who serves as the Ranking Member of the Senate Appropriations Committee and vocally opposed the Senates emergency supplemental bill, also called for a vote. We must focus on enforcing the immigration laws currently on the books, securing our border, and ensuring that we do not reward illegal immigration. It is my hope that the Senate will expeditiously pass the House-approved bill that would block President Obama from continuing or expanding DACA. -- Sen. Richard Shelby Sen. John Hoeven (R-S.D.), co-author of a border amendment that helped secure the necessary votes to pass the Gang of Eights bill last summer, also urged Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) to bring the anti-DACA bill to the floor for a vote. We believe that we should be allowed to vote on the House-passed bill. We need to enforce our immigration laws and secure the border. -- Sen. John Hoeven Sen. David Vitter (R-La.) joined in through a press release on Wednesday. We have a true crisis at our southern border. Yet Harry Reid is blocking Senate votes on the two bills the House has passed and has put us in recess instead. I call on him to have the Senate vote on those two common-sense, House-passed bills immediately. --Sen. David Vitter Reports continue to speculate on the scope of an expanded executive action by the Obama Administration that could grant amnesty and work permits to an estimated 5-6 million illegal aliens. With control of the Senate at stake during Novembers mid-term elections, voters should continue to force Senators to take a public stand on Pres. Obamas executive amnesties. A few Democratic Senators who are up for re-election in toss-up states have expressed concern with plans to expand the DACA program, but most Democrats have either not taken a position or left it to Pres. Obamas discretion. Over the final weeks of August, please continue to call your Senators if they have yet to take a position on Pres. Obamas proposed executive actions. Starting next week, well also be asking activists to visit their local Senators offices to demand they hold a vote on the House passed anti-DACA bill. If you are interested in ORGANIZING a group office visit please look here to see if there is an office near you, then email Melanie Oubre here.
Posted on: Fri, 15 Aug 2014 23:23:41 +0000

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