Your calling is not dependent on your past or determined - TopicsExpress


Your calling is not dependent on your past or determined thereby.... The bible says, before I formed thee in the womb I sanctified thee and ordained thee a prophet... Before that I was shapen in sin and formed in iniquity my destiny was already decided.... I gone stop right here and tell somebody before you had a chance to create your history your destiny was already established.... Romans 8:29 puts it this way I was predestined to be conformed to the image of Christ... Christ is the fullness of the fivefold... So you predestined to be an Apostle, a prophet, Evangelist, pastor or Teacher... So dont determine your call and function by your past... Dont allow anyone to confine you to a box based on what they think you should be because of your past, for example if you were molested and went through abuse they want to say you got a ministry to the battered. Which part of the fivefold that ministry comes under? Beloved dont let anyone hinder you by confining you to a box neither do it to yourself, walk in your fullness beloved! ... For there is therefore now no condemnation to those who are Christ Jesus who walk not after the flesh but after the Spirit.... A part of condemnation is confinement( those that are condemned are confined to do so much and no more) but them that walk after the Spirit of God are sons of God Romans 8:29 says that Christ be declared the firstborn amongst sons, we were predestined to be conformed to his image. So that when you walk in the fullness of your destiny you declare Christ by your conforming to your fullness... Walk in your fullness beloved because Christ is being manifest when you do.... Mercy unto you, love and peace be multiplied!
Posted on: Tue, 05 Aug 2014 04:49:40 +0000

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