Your character is not tested on occasions of public scrutiny or - TopicsExpress


Your character is not tested on occasions of public scrutiny or acclaim. It is not tested in moments when the object of your actions is the regard of another. Your character is what you are to yourself, not what you pretend to be to yourself or others.....Senator John Sidney McCain III -A Republican U.S. Senator from the state of Arizona. While I find it hard using a statement by a Republican Politician as a Democrat, his words captures the current moments within the Ugbo campaign and particularly our Man...A man of impeccable character. To drop now like others have done will be an affirmation of the establishment powers to push over the considerable will of the people. And the question of character for Ugbo becomes cold, therefore, his campaign resolve to continue the process to the end. We are going to the Primaries on Monday December 8th, 2014 in the absence of any last minute developments...Barr Dorncklaimz Enamhe. The political situation remains fluid, and our supporters should know that Ugbo will fight on to the finish. Having barely slept after the activities of the last 24 hours, weary advisers for Ugbo gathered a few hours in a conference to regroup after the resounding disgreements within the stated goals of the party leadership. And seeing Nkoyo go down in defeat to Eta Mbora inspite the backings of Gov. Liyel Imoke, and Pst Essien winning without Imoke’s wishes, the message from the people is simple: We want a fair process to determine our choice leaders. And they want the state to move higher and are voting their conscience for aspirants with honest intension for her people. Ugbo has the experience, capacity, and leadership qualities to deliver for the people of Cross River; we therefore call on all our supporters across the board, the victorious elected members in the just concluded House of Representative race, and loyal foot soldiers to remain steadfast -Ugbo matches on -the Patriotic Soldier that he is, on behalf of those the system was rigged aginst, moves forward on his cause for the restoration of the downtrodden -to be a part of our share prosperity in a democratic enterprise. Thank You all and God bless you. God bless Cross River.
Posted on: Sun, 07 Dec 2014 11:17:53 +0000

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