Your choice...Fact or Fear Each day I have two choices. I can - TopicsExpress


Your choice...Fact or Fear Each day I have two choices. I can wake up in fear the same way I struggled to fall asleep the night before or I can fight the demons who hold me back, slow me down and confuse my mind with lies. Facts are undeniable truths. They cannot be bent or twisted to fit our desires, nor can they be buried or hidden forever. When I choose either one I give it power over me. Fear owns me, controls me, limits me. Fact lifts me up, carries me further down the path I have chosen in life. Fact cannot be denied. Fear can be proven wrong, exposed for the liar it is. We may not always like the facts, but they will not waste your time, consume your every waking hour, and cripple you until you can no longer move in any direction. Facts will warn you of a dead end. Fear will let you pass through knowing you will get nowhere. Fear IS a dead end. Each night I have two choices. I can lie there on my bed and permit fear to suck the life out of my tomorrow or I can count my many blessings afforded me that day. Those blessings are the truth, the facts of my life. Fear will keep me awake so that over time my mind weakens and my ability to discern the facts becomes foggy and confusing. Sleep deprivation, a tool of fear, is a path to negative life choices and gives fear more control. Fact is the enemy of fear. Focusing on the truth opens the door to rest. Rest builds your body and clears the mind. You begin to see beauty in the life you live, hope for the future and the one undeniable fact, the truth above all others... the fact that God loves you: 1 John 4:18-19 "There is no fear in love, but perfect love drives out fear, because fear expects punishment. The person who is afraid has not been made perfect in love. We love because God first loved us."
Posted on: Tue, 02 Jul 2013 14:25:10 +0000

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