Your dêstiny is in thê Word of God, and its been séttlèd; its - TopicsExpress


Your dêstiny is in thê Word of God, and its been séttlèd; its not determined by your family background, country of résidêncè or thê Govérnmènt of thê dày. Youvê béèn dêstinêd for grêatnêss, set apart for a life of victory and triumph from glory to glory. Yé are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because gréater is he thàt is in you, than he that is in thê world. (1 Jn 4:4). This means your origin is in God; you hail from Him, and youre already victorious over satan and the adversities of lifé. This is your DÊSTINY! Personalizê this and othêr glorious things writtên of you in thé Word, and walk in thé light of thém. #NB: your responsibility is to look into thê Word to locatê, and entèr into thê glorious things thàt arê wriitên of you, and fufil your destiny. Halleluiah! ❤❤ [Ps 87:3]. ***AWÉSOMÈ SUNDÀY***
Posted on: Sun, 31 Aug 2014 13:23:11 +0000

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