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Your donations help to the refugees Iraq / Shingar / Sengal Yezidi associations e. V. Northern Germany call with the following account jointly for donations: Receiver Halis Kamaci Bank Commerzbank Bremen IBAN 64 290800100543248000 BIC DRESDEFF290 Keyword: ezidischen clubs eV Northern Germany. dergush Yazidis in Northern Iraq On the run from the terrorist Islamic state. Mountains without water without food Without accommodation Still On Shngar About 400,000 Iraqi Yazidis are on the run from the terror militia Islamic State. Without much food or clothing on the body, many of them live in shells in Kurdistan. Reinhard Baumgarten has visited refugee camps. Tears, how much she is suffering from the terrible images from northern Iraq. About 4,000 Yazidis live in Munich - and they hope to their up to 500,000 brethren who are in Nord¬irak on the run from the extremists of the Islamic State (IS), in the West, to Europe or the USA get, . A Über¬leben is for us no longer possible in Nord¬irak said Bahjat Seliem, CEO of Ezidische Academy Bavaria. If the IS is defeated, come again another who want to kill us, said the Jeside with an attached by the Bavarian Integration Commissioner Martin Neumeyer press conference. The Yazidis speak of so far 73 large Katastro¬phen of their religious community - currently they suffer the 74th pursuit of their almost 4000-year history. We have always been persecuted by Kurds and Arabs, said Bahjat Seliem. We are not against Islam, we do not proselytize -., I do not know why they hate us The eleven-year old daughter of the Munich Yazidi-chairman, Hozan Seliem, tearfully told how much she is suffering from the terrible images from northern Iraq (see below). After so many terrible experiences we have no home more Its having to be so bad, watch how our relatives and friends slaughtered, dismembered or buried alive, said Bilal Shaheen, a 22-year-old medical student, who came to Munich with 15 from Iraq. Always the Yazidis were despised by Kurds and the Arabs, been spat at in the street. Even under Saddam Hussein they got only third-class jobs - academics as the engineer Seliem had no choice but to walk away from Iraq, if they want to work in their profession. Fearing persecution, the Yezidi have withdrawn over the centuries in the most inhospitable areas of Iraq and Syria. We live where there are 45 degree heat and where you can not grow anything But they do not protect, so Bilal Shaheen . When the IS-holy warriors fell upon the Yazidis, they had been betrayed by the Sunni or Shiite neighbors, with whom they had lived for years. Even the Kurds did not trust the Yazidis, the 22-year-old. Once we had to endure so many terrible experiences, we have no home. Even in a stable Kurdistan we would not want to live. The relief operation for the Yezidi and Christian refugees in northern Iraq, meanwhile, runs at full speed: mid-week to transport equipment of the Bundeswehr bring an additional 100 tons of humanitarian goods from Germany in the crisis region. In the coming week the Bundeswehr could then also bring first defensive military equipment such as armored vehicles and night vision devices in the region, the Ministry of Defence. The Kurds conquered yesterday back the territories occupied by the IS Mosul Dam. Who controls this dam can turn off most of the country the electricity and water. Klaus Rimpel So sad, to be able to do anything! I do not want to look into Facebook, because I can no longer endure the terrible things I have seen there. We have for days no contact with my grandparents more. We only know that they had to flee without being able to take anything - without water, without food. It is so sad to watch and to be able to do anything about it! 3000 Children should already be starved and died of thirst. Women are simply captured and sold to these Islamic men. We Yazidis in Munich cry just like the people in northern Iraq ... Hozan Seliem (11), Yezidi student from Munich tz-tag Yezidi Yazidis are a religious minority among the Kurds. Her mother tongue is the nordkurdische Kurmanji. Worldwide, the religious community has about 800,000 members. It was created by the traditions around 2000 BC and is understood as originating religion of the Kurds. However, many Kurds were later converted to Islam. Approximately 600,000 Yazidis live in northern Iraq. Furthermore, they are available in North Syria, northwest Iran, and in southeastern Turkey. In Germany currently living up to 80,000 Yazidis. The Yezidi faith combines elements of various middle eastern religions, especially from Islam, but also Christianity. The religious center is Lalish, a city in northern Iraq near Mosul. In Jesidentum there is no mandatory religious scripture, faith is widespread and oral songs. They pray to the single, all-powerful and all-knowing God and worship seven angels, including the Peacock Angel. Yazidis do not believe in a heaven or a hell, but of souls and rebirth. You have a secular and a religious leader (Baba Sheikh). Jeside is, who is descended from Yezidi parents. If a member of the Yezidi religion marries a different faith, considered quitting the Religions¬gemeinschaft. Gefällt mirGefällt mir · · Hervorheben · Teilen dergush dergush Gefällt mirGefällt mir · · Hervorheben · Teilen Jezidi Hilfe hat einen Link geteilt. Shingal 03.08.2014 Stop Terror against Ezidis - Ezdixan Kurdistani Gefällt mirGefällt mir · · Hervorheben · Teilen Stop Yezidi Genocide in IRAQ Massacre in the Yezidi village Kucho south of mount Sinjar. Over 80 Yezidis men were killed after they refused to convert to Islam. All Yezidis women are ta...
Posted on: Mon, 08 Sep 2014 16:12:09 +0000

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