“Your enthusiasm, idealism and creativity could be at an - TopicsExpress


“Your enthusiasm, idealism and creativity could be at an all-time high. You could be bursting with new ideas. You could have sudden insights. You can move from breakdown to breakthrough. You are experiencing a transformation in consciousness.” “Sometimes your growth can feel weird and strange when you are no longer connecting to your past. But truly, the old way of living no longer works for you. You are experiencing new aspects of yourself and life. You are giving birth to the new you, and giving birth is painful. This is real work. This is real growth. There is so much to celebrate. The more you love and value yourself (Leo). The more you have to give to others (Aquarius).” “A great way to navigate through life is to use balance in your choices. For instance, instead of asking, ‘Is this a good or bad idea?’ ask ‘What supports my balance?’ Balance is the key to being present, powerful and effective.” “Jupiter makes his first of three exact squares (challenge) to Uranus. This starts at the Full Moon. Uranus is Aquarius ruling planet. Uranus is the awakener. Uranus is the planet of change. Uranus wants to liberate your mind and free you from illusions. Uranus wants to free you from your self-imposed limitations. This is how you hold yourself back. This is how you get in your own way…” “You are being encouraged to break free from the chains that bind you. Let go of what no longer serves your emotional needs and inner security. The more you release the further you can travel…” “…hold more light and share your light with the world. Hold more light and raise your vibration is what is being asked of you.” “…The Sun enters Virgo on August 22. Leo gives you the big ideas. Virgo gives you the grounding to make your dreams practical. It is all well in good to have great ideas, but if you cannot put them into action. They are just pipe dreams.” “Virgo will infuse your ideas with her fertility. Virgo can take your ideas to fruition. You want to be focused on what is useful. What are your next steps? For instance, what are three things you can do each day to further your goals?” “Mercury the messenger goes home to Virgo on August 23. This can ground your enthusiasm with a sober approach.” “…Virgo will empower you to be practical and effective. Virgo shows you how you can best serve humanity. You take your talent, gifts and abilities and use them in service to others. This is the August message. Take what you know and have learned and share it with others. We are creating the New Earth together. What we are dreaming we are creating.” © Copyright 2013 ~Kelley Rosano All Rights Reserved
Posted on: Tue, 20 Aug 2013 18:44:45 +0000

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