Your fast day should not be like other ordinary days. When you - TopicsExpress


Your fast day should not be like other ordinary days. When you fast, all your sense - eyes, ears, tongue, hands and feet - must fast with you.” How? Eyes: Keep your eyes off unlawful things and objects; spend this most precious gift of Allah in good cause and pious acts and read Holy Quran and Du’as. Ears: Abstain from hearing unlawful gossip, lies, false statements, music and obscene topics. Pay your attention towards sermons and topics of learning etc. Tongue: Do not tell lies or useless tales; do not spread rumours or, damaging gossips about other persons; keep aloof from falsity. Use the power of speech in spreading the word of Allah; in creating goodwill in the society. Hand: Do not inflict injury upon others by your actions; instead strive to help them as far as you can. Feet: Do not go toward to forbidden places, like bars and cinemas. Do not run between people creating strife. Go toward to those places, where Allah is remembered; and your movements should be to bring people together. And above all, your heart and mind must be with you in fasting. Because fast in its real sense, will not be complete unless your thoughts, your emotions, your actions - in short, all aspects of our life - become pure, clean and free from blemish.may Allah guide us
Posted on: Tue, 08 Jul 2014 04:09:50 +0000

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