Your heart may have been broken many times. Some breaks hurt more - TopicsExpress


Your heart may have been broken many times. Some breaks hurt more than others, but each break caused a weakness in your ability and a weakness, to love trust and heal. Dont shut down. Dont tell yourself, my pain is not important. Im stronger than that. Thats just the way life is.Those are all lies we tell ourselves, lies to hide the pain. The smallest betrayal unexpressed, at least to ourselves, can cause damage to our hearts. Willingness is the key, willingness to feel all we need to feel, willingness to heal, willingness to love again. Take time to mend your heart. Go deep within your heart to help it heal. Bury the broken dreams. Release the hurts. Acknowledge the betrayals. Only you can let your heart love again. Only you can mend yourself from the inside. If we live in the hurt, we can go no where in our walk in life. There comes a time in the journey to the heart when its time to heal. When we can heal whats inside we can change whats outside of us, love yourself to see this and your walk in life will become easier.......
Posted on: Thu, 03 Apr 2014 12:56:17 +0000

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