Your his best friend and you dont like his girlfriend... Liam: - TopicsExpress


Your his best friend and you dont like his girlfriend... Liam: Jesus Liam, what the hell happened? your eyes widen as you pull up in the car park Liam had asked you to pick him up from. Liam giggles, seemingly not noticing the blood slowly dripping from his nose, and his blackened eye, Um, I got hit I think I duno,. His words all blend together as he slurs, and you watch as he struggles to stay upright - drunk. You sigh, reaching out to wrap an arm around his waist as you guide him into the passenger seat of the car, Come on, lets get you home and sobered up, you turn back to Hayley, Liams girlfriend, You coming?. She scoffs, No way! Its early he cant hack it, im off to partay!. You roll your eyes as you climb into the drivers seat, muttering under you breath, Suit yourself,. The following morning, Liam wanders into the kitchen rubbing his head as youre making coffee. Ugh, my head hurts, he groans. Yeah, you reply sarcastically, placing a mug of coffee down on the table in front of him, Thats generally what happens after you get yourself completely wasted the night before,. You sit across from him as you watch his eyes widen at the sight of blood on his hand, Bloody hell what happened?. No idea, you reply simply, All I know is when I came to pick you up your nose was bleeding and you had a black eye,. Oh god, he groans, resting his head on his hands, Wheres Hayley? Nothing happened to her right?. I wouldnt know, you scoff, taking a sip of the steaming coffee, She couldnt have cared less that youd gotten yourself hurt - she was more bothered about the fact that you couldnt hack it while she wanted to partay! you mimic sarcastically. You notice Liams face drop slightly, before he covers it with a sad smile, At least she had a good night then. Thank you for picking me up, youre the best best friend I could ask for,. You shake your head, brushing off his thanks, Dont worry about it Li. Im more bothered about you - I dont like what she does to you Liam, you deserve better,. ~zerrieshipper
Posted on: Sat, 09 Nov 2013 09:21:23 +0000

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