Your little shall be Great Matthew 14:17 And they said to Him, - TopicsExpress


Your little shall be Great Matthew 14:17 And they said to Him, We have here only five loaves and two fish. Many a times we Christian look down upon ourselves. We look at the little education , knowledge, wisdom, connection, money and the people we know; and say to ourselves; we cannot make it in life. We become restless and always be mediocre about everything around us. When we are asked to take up an opportunity, instead of depending on God for his unfailing Grace, we look at our little resources and reject the opportunity. Many of us become fearful and hate to even go closer to the opened door. I believe without a doubt that God is providing you with an opportunity, there is an opened door before you. And the earlier you realize you can enter, the better your life is going to be. Do not look at you education , ability, skills or knowledge. . They maybe only five loaves and two fishes but if you can trust Jesus and give him your small resources and depend on him, he will enable you to reach higher height. Do not look at yourself and the opportunity and be afraid. You are the son, brother or sister of The Most high God.... If only you can trust him, he will surprise you with a whole lot of capabilities and empower you to do things you never thought of doing. Maybe you door or opportunity is in ministry, job or any other mind- blowing opportunity, and you are looking at your ability and level of education before you take or start it.... But I want to tell you this morning that , there is Grace of empowerment available. . just trust Jesus and see how he lifts you up.. May you receive Divine Empowerment Now and begin to do the impossible. . Your five loaves and two fishes can feed over five thousands people and still have over twelve basket leftover... In Jesus name.
Posted on: Wed, 29 Jan 2014 05:35:04 +0000

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