Your mantra for the week: “My blessings follow me wherever I - TopicsExpress


Your mantra for the week: “My blessings follow me wherever I go, thank you, God!” Put your attention now on your Higher Self which is the God within you. Fill your mind and heart with love and gratitude, and this feeling will bring to you all the things you will ever need—everything for your highest good and greatest joy. The most important prayer in the world is just two words: “Thank you.” As you fill your mind and your heart with gratitude at all times, you open up the floodgates of blessings to flow into your life, for you cannot be unhappy and grateful at the same time. In your mind, in your heart, in your lips must be those two words: “Thank you.” Gratitude is the appreciation of kindnesses received, the many blessings that are already in your life. Many times, you do not remember to say thank you for these things. Your Higher Self, the God within you, always responds to your gratitude. For as you are grateful to receive, more is given unto you. Thank the God within you for your physical body, a perfect vehicle given you for this lifetime. There are 52 trillion cells in your body, with each one having a life of its own. Be grateful for each cell, each atom, each electron and proton. Sometimes when part of our body is ill at ease, we forget to thank God for the other parts that are whole and perfect and feeling well, in the same way that sometimes we lack a particular thing, and we forget to appreciate all the things we already have. No matter how little you may think you have, when you are grateful for it, it increases and multiplies. There are many people who love you. Sometimes they don’t love you the way you desire to be loved. But you can still say thank you. And to those who don’t love you, you can still say thank you because they are reminders that there are still lessons to be learned about love. Also, be grateful for all the challenges, all negative situations, for they are all really blessings in disguise. No matter what has happened in the past, when you look back, you know that some good came out of it. Have you said thank you? Have you thanked the Father within you for your own capacity to love? How grateful are you for those who bring so much joy into your life—your friends, your families, your spiritual family and all those you have chosen to share your life within this lifetime? There were ups, there were downs, but in all cases, you know they cared. One of the most wonderful, uplifting thoughts is to remember how beautiful life really is. For every negative thing that is occurring in the world, a million acts of kindness are also happening. Put your attention on your Higher Self as often as you can, and you will see your life unfold with such happiness. You have abilities, you have talents—how grateful are you for them? Do you wake up in the morning and say: “Thank you, God, for my creativity, for my being able to be your instrument—for love, for wholeness, for abundance?” The most important prayer in the world is just two words: “Thank you.” And the Bible says, “In everything, give thanks”—even for all situations that seem to be a thing you cannot be grateful for, for therein lies a gift. And as you say thank you, that gift unfolds for you. One of the most wonderful gifts given to all of us is our capacity to go within at any moment we decide. And as we do, we enter that Kingdom of God where the sun doesn’t shine upon us and isn’t on us, but is in us; it shines from within and brings us sunshine in all Its glory. There, we see life as it truly is, the most beautiful gift of the universe. There, we realize we are not separate from anything, that we are one with God and even all things. And from within you, that still, small voice will be saying to you, “Look around you. Look at all the beauty that there is. Look at every human being in your life. Each one is different. Each one contains Me. Yet, there are times when your perception is different and you get hurt. But listen: “My beloved child, I have given you the capacity to forgive not only others but yourself. If you truly realize my presence in your life, you would be grateful every moment of it. For this gratitude will bring to you all that you will ever need, and what you need looks for you, comes to you in expected and unexpected ways... excerpt from Cory Quirinos column, The Secret Life and Loves of Manuel Roxas, Sunday October 12, 2014. Read more: Follow us: @inquirerdotnet on Twitter | inquirerdotnet on Facebook
Posted on: Sat, 11 Oct 2014 23:40:05 +0000

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