Your path to freedom lies an unexamined and unquestioned thought - TopicsExpress


Your path to freedom lies an unexamined and unquestioned thought away. A mere second away from the truth, that you have been lying to yourself your whole life and you didnt even know it. Freedom is to quit believing the lies that you are making up about yourself, other people, and the world. What thoughts are actually true? Are you absolutely certain that they are true? What do you really know for certain? What lies are you telling yourself to hold up this false-facade, this false-front in order to protect your heart or pump up your sense of self-worth? Self-worth and worthiness is a made-up concept and belief. We are all equal in the eyes of an unconditionally loving GOD. That is the TRUTH! We are the awareness, the consciousness, the spirit (unchangeable, unmovable, undeniable) that is aware of everything in our existence just as it is --everything else is constantly in change, in constant flux, and we either be in agreement with it, or we can suffer. Our choice. You were dreaming when you could have been awake and free the whole time!!! Awake is letting go of the stories, the false beliefs,the false thoughts, realizing that you made up everything like an actor/actress reading from a script in a movie as a protection/survival mechanism of the little me that you believed that does not even exist to begin with. Our thoughts and eyes lie to us and tell us that we are distinct and separate from each other, animals, objects, and the Universe; however, that is an illusion, our eyes only see a tiny amount of the full optical/energetic light spectrum. We are energetically connected to each other, there is no separate self, no distinct me, there is only the illusion of separateness created by false beliefs, thoughts, and what was taught to us. Science has shown that changing the electron spin on an atom instantaneously changes the electron spin on a different atom far, far away. no time delay as predicted by our illusions of time and space. no delay whatsoever. Time is an illusion... created by our left side of our brain as it deals with sequential operations (cause-and-effect) to create the illusion of a past and a future that doesnt exist, except in our memories and in our brains as a concept to help us deal with planning for the future and learning from our past; however, it became out-of-control as we are constantly in our past or our future resenting, blaming, regretting, worrying, avoiding, demanding, controlling as a protective way to avoid being re-triggered and feeling our unresolved past pain, when actually feeling our past pain is a key to our freedom along with questioning our false thoughts. We are actually resisting (feelings) almost of all of the time when we are in the past or future and what we resist persists (feelings are re-triggered over-and-over again until we deal with them). . Everything happens in the Now, and only the Now. There is only the Now. an infinitesimal Now moment put together in an ~ infinite amount creates a second..a greater amount of nearly infinitesimal Nows creates a minute...and on-and-on. and science has shown that space is an illusion as mentioned above, so if time and space is an illusion then the illusion of a separate me with a finite life is an illusion as well. My advice is to question all beliefs and thoughts and concepts and ... even your beliefs about your beliefs and even your beliefs about spirituality and Oneness and about GOD... Let all of those go... because they can cause separation and suffering between you (GOD manifested temporarily in your human body) and another (GOD manifested in a different human body) at a human-to-human interaction level, group-to-group level, culture-to-culture level, and nation-to-nation. Coming home to heart-space, unconditional love, awareness, and consciousness cannot be experienced through the mind, by the mind, forced, coerced, efforted, controlled using the is only by letting go of the minds concepts, emptying its cup, surrendering to everything you believe you are, other people are, and the world and everything in-between that you come home to silence, peace, serenity, to wholeheartedness that was always available in the Now..or in this Now...or in the next Now moment.I t is effortless and it is available at all times always.. It isnt complex. Complexity is the egos creation. Life is simple.. mankind made it complex in an attempt to control and dominate and survive instead of getting what it really desired, which was to thrive in the Now with no agenda, no preconceived notions of ideas concerning anything and everything.
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 21:08:47 +0000

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