Your physical and emotional health is the single greatest asset - TopicsExpress


Your physical and emotional health is the single greatest asset you own, not your amount of financial wealth. Dont get me wrong, having money and being financially stable is vital in order to lead a happy life, but your health trumps this every time. Wealth is a force multiplier, a tool, a catalyst to what your current functional ability is. Being in good health means being able to reap the full range of benefits from your wealth. Conversely, poor health and reduced function severely reduce the amount of joy you can reap from your wealth. This is why you MUST (most of the time) prioritise your health. Exercise is not an option, but a NECESSITY in order to live a long and healthy life with a high level of functionality until your death. Think of exercise as putting money in the bank, growing your assets, and saving for a rainy day. However, there is a caveat. Exercise, when performed POORLY, has the ability to undermine your long term health while paradoxically increasing your fitness. Aim to perform high intensity resistance exercise using whatever you want (barbells, kettlebells etc) in the most joint-sparing method possible, in order to reap as much of the positive benefits of exercise without accruing debilitating muscoskeletal dysfunction over time. This means doing just enough (But no more!), to maximise your health. Alas.. Life gets in the way of even the best laid plans and sometimes the means justifies the end, and we have to momentarily break down our health in order to achieve a goal. Several things spring to mind, like having a baby, starting a business, or moving country, but this should NOT be your modus operandum. You should always default to a healthy balance between investing in your wealth, while equally contributing to your physical and emotional health. Stay healthy, wealthy, and wise.. And everything will be alright.
Posted on: Fri, 16 Jan 2015 18:30:33 +0000

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