Your success will come down to your daily plan. Most people - TopicsExpress


Your success will come down to your daily plan. Most people treat their business like a hobby. When you build a business you have to treat it like a job, but youre the BOSS. I know most of us want to think once we leave a job its complete freedom, but the reality is a business is just like a job, but the difference is youre building your own dream. You cant expect to just work a little and make a lot in the start. In fact you should always be working just like someone is right behind you ready to take it all away. This is why most people do well, then their business tanks. They get comfortable, start taking tons of vacations and buying expensive cars and let their business slip. If you want your business to grow(especially in the start) you need to create a disciplined daily routine and work that plan consistently every single day. My routine looks like this: - Wake up and listen to motivational audios for 1 hour to get pumped and excited. - Head to the gym - Write blog post or Youtube video that will help my audience - Write Facebook posts - Coaching calls throughout the day - Write email to list - Set up traffic campaigns - End day with reading a book on copywriting, business, personal development. - Repeat every single day of the week. Soon I will be adding a podcast a day to the mix once I launch my podcast. Learn to enjoy the process, learn to love the journey and learn to discipline yourself to get the tasks done. If you have a job a disciplined schedule is more important than if youre a full time marketer. You dont have time to be playing on Facebook, watching TV and wasting time. If youre in a job your time is your most precious asset and you must spend that time wisely. Dont waste time because its only going to keep you in that job longer. If youre starting to make an excuse in your head right now, check your ego at the door and understand that excuses will hold you back and keep you broke. I hated doing it too. I hated going to work and coming home tired and still working on my business. Sometimes I hate doing the same things every single day because when I got into this business I had some screwed up fantasy I was going to get rich doing nothing, but later I realized a business is a job, but Im the boss. The only difference is now Im working on outsourcing myself almost completely out of my business except for the things I absolutely love doing. Create a plan and work that plan and it will bring you closer to your goals daily.
Posted on: Mon, 21 Jul 2014 14:29:15 +0000

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