Your world view creates your thoughts and ideas; these create your - TopicsExpress


Your world view creates your thoughts and ideas; these create your actions; your actions influence and shape the world around you which then reinforces your world view, which shapes the world...and so on. Hence why long term patterns of behaviour are such a challenge to transform, even if they arent serving you, or anything else. Jason Silva said that [ideas] leap from brain to brain...their vector of transmission is language and electronic communications...and though they are not made of nucleic acid they have achieved more evolutionary change and at a rate that leaves the old gene panting far behind. So its more than just a matter of having progressive mind sets for ourselves...what we think, say, do is the most infectious thing there is. Many indigenous cultures share a belief, or something closely related, that we dream, sing and dance our reality into being; in as much as our reality dreams sings and dances us, as we are inseparable from everything else. In fact many of these cultures dont even have a word for nature as something perceivably separate from ourselves. Is this not exactly the case then? As the late great Joseph Campbell said, that we must interact with such myths from the point of the connotation, as opposed to the denotation. In other words take it as a metaphor of a deeper truth and dont allow the ravenous analysis and logic of the mind take it apart and deem it nonsensical. Have we not effectively dreamed, sung and danced our reality into being? Take our cities for example. Somewhere along the line we had a vision of what life could be like, free from the wild animals, with less effort needed to stay warm, fed and safe. In that moment the first city was dreamed of. This dream was spoken, or sung, so emphatically and musically that it ignited the dream in others too. Then there began the collective dance of construction. Are our cities not products of this same process? The man made mountains of buildings; the consumerist caves, caverns and abysses; the frozen waterfalls of glass shop fronts; the Tarmac valleys down which cumbersome beasts grunt and growl, splutter screech and prowl, and the stiff winged Eagles which silently plume overhead. Weve even collared in concrete what trees and shrubs are left and locked the animals we deem suitable to coinhabit with in cages or secured them on leads. All made in accordance to our current collective worldview; that there is something called nature, and that this nature is hostile and must be controlled in order for us to survive. And then is this reality not dreaming us right back? Consolidating that the structures and systems we have dreamed up are actually anything other than that...dreams - working hypotheses well overdue for reconsideration. It is possible to live harmoniously, peacefully, respectfully, together with all beings if we just dream it and hold it as a vision. Dream it so potently that it shapes our ideas, thoughts and actions. Have a world view in which all things are interconnected, the idea of Self is far beyond the limits of this little skin suit and it stretches out into everything in creation. A view which holds the world as a single, unified body in which we and all other things are equal and self similar parts. If this is difficult, hold it anyway. Only then can we be open to the possibilities of meditation, after which done successfully there will be little doubt left; if any. Allow ideas to flourish of how to affect positive change. Those which honour the sanctity of the ground we walk on, respect the beauty and preciousness of all things which walk/swim/fly/crawl on, in and above it with us. Be open to feel the pain and suffering that we have created; not from a place of shame or guilt, but grace. We cannot truly heal until we allow whatever darkness we have locked away for safe keeping to emerge and work its way into the light. Allow all actions to come from a place of warmth and inner stillness so that whatever is built from them can be in the image of love, not fear. In fact this is the only way.
Posted on: Sun, 12 Oct 2014 08:42:08 +0000

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