#YourFeedBack THE FORMER PRIME MINISTER HONOURABLE RAILA ODINGA HAS GIVEN JUBILEE COALITION A RELACTANT PASS Former Prime Minister Raila Odinga has given Uhuru Kenyatta’s Jubilee coalition a reluctant ‘pass’ in the way it has handled government business one year since assuming office. Speaking on Jambo Boston Radio, an online radio station based in Lowell, Massachusetts, Mr Odinga said, in his opinion, the Jubilee government gets 50 per cent mainly for its acknowledgement that times are hard for Kenya. Asked by radio host Kimani Wanguhu of Kimmedia to say on a scale of one to ten how much he would give the Jubilee government if he were to grade it on performance, Mr Odinga said he would give them a five. “I’ll give them a five because at least they have acknowledged that the country is going through hard times. To acknowledge the existence of a problem is the first but very important step towards solving it,” he said. Mr Odinga also acknowledged the numerous challenges facing Jubilee government, saying having been a coalition partner in the previous government, he knew it was not easy to do much in the first year in office. “Having been in government, I know it is not easy. We will have to give them more time to see what they can do,” he said. In a candid, interview full of humour and laughter with host Njoki Wa Ndegwa, Captain Njoroge and Kimani Wanguhu, Mr Odinga said the Jubilee government has failed to rein in runaway insecurity and corruption in the country, some of the evils that are contributing to rampant poverty. The Cord leader said it was not enough to cut salaries. “We need a comprehensive strategy to deal with the issue of a ballooning wage bill. Cutting salaries alone won’t amount to much without seriously tackling issues like wastage and corruption,” said Odinga.
Posted on: Wed, 19 Mar 2014 08:18:19 +0000

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