Youre about to discover how to determine what kind of advice you - TopicsExpress


Youre about to discover how to determine what kind of advice you should listen to, how to figure out the direction of WHERE TO TAKE YOUR LIFE and my SECRET to unlocking more mental resources and energy. Ready? ADVICE is both a positive and destructive force. It can propel you to new heights or be a barrier to your success. So what differentiates advice that propels you forward to advice that keeps you stagnant? Its the person thats giving it, as such, its very important that you know how to identify who to take advice from and who to ignore. You do this by asking yourself the following question: Is this person where I want to be in life and/or does this person seem GENUINELY happy? I am open to hearing advice from anyone, whether they flip burgers or are a CEO of a company if they fit that criteria. Now that you know how to identify who to take advice from, another critical component to your longterm success is figuring out the direction of where to take your life, as well as determining how high you want to take your level of achievement. The best way to do this align yourself with people already there. You will quickly pick up what makes them tick and how they were able to get to where they are now. If I told you that my entire day was centered around efficiency and productivity, like not only pre-making my meals for the ENTIRE week but ensuring they are pre-cut into bit sized pieces so it takes a few minutes to eat instead of 10 - 15.... ... purposely scheduling all my errands for 1 day every week so I dont constantly have to be distracted.... ... or listening to self-development during mundane tasks like driving, you would probably think I am a bit loco. But thats EXACTLY the thinking that reassures me Im doing the right things to succeed. When Im thinking of people I want to model myself after and align with I think of Steve Jobs. If you looked at what Steve wore daily as clothing, there wasnt much variation... in fact there was NO variation. Every single day he wore the same black mock turtle neck jeans, and New Balances so he wouldn’t have to waste his time picking an outfit in the morning. The reason? When you make too many decisions about mundane details it wastes your mental energy, your MOST precious but limited resource. So if you want the secret to more mental resources and energy, identify the aspects of your life that you consider mundane and then routinize those aspects as much as you can. aestrepreneur/
Posted on: Sun, 29 Jun 2014 18:32:31 +0000

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