Youre gonna love this one..I took my campers to the Tremont pool - TopicsExpress


Youre gonna love this one..I took my campers to the Tremont pool yesterday and as soon as I walked in with them a kid from another camp yells over to my camper..hey are you a girl or boy? Clearly my camper is a girl because she was wearing a two piece bathing suit! Yes she has short hair and yes she wears sporty glasses..but even if she was a boy what the F*&CK?! It was just so loud and bold..Their counselor was right there (a guy), it was horribly embarrassing, I was too stunned to say anything. ..Then another kid yells to my son, hey take your shirt off we were all so horribly uncomfortable because of the comment the other kid made..Hunter was mortified and didnt want to take his shirt off. I told my campers dont pay attention to them and that the kids were jerks and just ignore them...a few minutes later my camper comes up to me with tears in her eyes that the same boys were purposely splashing her in the pool..It was just so weird that these boys were so fixated on her and out to hurt her. I had had it so I found the counselors and laid in to them. The guy counselor was an ass! He actually laughed and acted like, Oh here we go...He is lucky I didnt get all medieval on him but I did with words..I said and I quote, shame on missed a brilliant teachable moment, you are a male role model to these young boys and you not only allowed that behavior but by doing nothing you encouraged them to keep it going.and that it is o.k. to call out inappropriate, hurtful comments. The female counselor was truly disheartened by this and the ass kept trying to argue with me! It wasnt worth talking to him and I was beginning to see red so I turned my back on him and closed him out of the conversation. She took the appropriate action and the kid came over to apologize. I just cant stop thinking about what words can cut so deeply and then seeing the look on my kids faces. We have a lot of work to do parents!
Posted on: Sat, 19 Jul 2014 13:25:58 +0000

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