Youre only human human, the crowning creation, the seeker of the - TopicsExpress


Youre only human human, the crowning creation, the seeker of the divine, the soul striving upwards towards the light, the heart of compassion, the stumbling striving passionate transcending form that born without wings has still flown higher than any other creature; made without gills or any other way to breath under water still mastered ways to explore the depths of the ocean... humans are greatness perhaps not perfect but there is no just or only human, there is: wow you are human, you are precious, you are unique, you cannot be replaced or copied, you are a genius with something wonderful to give to the world and you were born with it, no one can love like you, think like you or be you, you have a purpose and you must be brave when fear overcomes you, you must be strong when you have no strength left, you smile even when your heart breaks so much you cant breath yet you keep going anyway because you are made of something that is far more powerful than the hammers that rain down on you or the sorrow that is an emotional hurricane trying to shred you to pieces. You can lift a car like toothpick if it threatens the life of a child and snap it in half you have no idea how deeply you affect and impact the lives of those around you by being nothing but yourself a self that is far from only or just anything the word I would choose to describe you reading this is amazing absolutely amazing because you amaze me with the courage you have to get out of bed each day and face the crazy brutal world out there, even though you know it is crazy, violent, and will try its best to rip your heart out, even then you still go out there and see its beauty its love its gifts and if that isnt something to be amazed by... Then I dont know what is!!!
Posted on: Wed, 04 Dec 2013 20:08:29 +0000

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