Youre sitting at work, and you feel yourself drifting off. Your - TopicsExpress


Youre sitting at work, and you feel yourself drifting off. Your head is bobbing, and youre minutes away from zonking out completely. Sure, you plan to hit the hay early tonight to make up for it, but you need help NOW. (Snoring or drooling through that important meeting wont make a good impression on your boss or clients.) There are a few things you can do to increase your energy during the day that dont involve chugging five cups of coffee. Read on for eight healthy ways to get a boost when youre feeling sluggish. Go Outside If possible, get thee to the great outdoors for a quick energy boost. Spending time outside can help you kick sleepiness to the curb, and studies have shown that exposure to nature has been linked with increased energy and a heightened sense of well-being. Other research has found that those who got active outside scored higher on measures of vitality and enthusiasm and lower on depression and fatigue. Itll only take a few minutes, too. Take a quick walk, a few breaths of fresh air, or even enjoy your lunch or coffee break outdoors whenever possible during a busy workday. Get Some Sun Light and darkness help set your internal clock, so its only reasonable that a little light can perk you up, too. Sunlight especially provides the body with natural cues to promote wakefulness. For a bigger bang for your buck, head outdoors to get some fresh air and sunshine. But if thats not possible, head to a window for a few minutes of natural light to help you snap to your senses. Drink Your Water Drink up! Instead of heading for the coffee pot, hit the water cooler instead and sip on some H2O. One study showed that being dehydrated caused a loss of focus and a sense of fatigue, among other negative symptoms. It doesnt even take much dehydration to have this effect; the dehydration that was induced in this particular study was only one percent lower than optimal hydration levels. So keep a water bottle with you at all times, refill it often and drink throughout the day to fight off both dehydration and the tiredness that comes from an unquenched thirst! Just Move It seems counterintuitive, but exercising regularly doesnt wear you out—it actually increases your energy over the long term. Studies have shown that sedentary people who exercised reduced fatigue more than in people who werent active. When you need a quick energy boost, going for a short walk or doing a few jumping jacks are an instant way to shock the fatigue out of your system. Anything that gets your heart pumping and blood flowing can do wonders.
Posted on: Wed, 04 Dec 2013 15:11:21 +0000

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