Youth Challenges- 76 (29.7.2014) Where are the Young Men? - TopicsExpress


Youth Challenges- 76 (29.7.2014) Where are the Young Men? (4) *************************************** And I sought for a man . . . that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap,...But I did not find one. Ezekiel 22. 30. Let us continue with a few Scriptural examples of young men that filled the gap in the hedge in the following messages. Daniel, ‘But Daniel purposed in his heart’, Dan. 1. 8 This ‘purpose of heart’ was the secret of Daniel’s life. Initially, it was just a matter of conscience as to whether he should eat the king’s food, with its idolatrous and perhaps immoral associations. But we see that same purpose of heart when he boldly commits himself to interpreting the king’s dream, and fearlessly witnesses to the truth before Nebuchadnezzar about his sinful pride before the God of heaven. He publicly rebukes Belshazzar for his profanity, and fearlessly faces the den of lions when unwilling to compromise about his worship. No doubt his enemies were smirking at his predicament and thought they had obtained their purpose against him. Not only did he stand boldly, but he was also a good influence upon those young friends of his. Daniel was a man given to prayer and noted for his piety, reliability and incorruptibility and that in the courts of kings. He was a man, heaven declared was ‘greatly beloved’. We may add he was respected by his fellow-men as well. Daniel filled a gap in his day. He might have been tempted to accept his situation and just make the best of things, or as we say, ‘keep his head down’. He didn’t, and so shines out to us today from that dark period of Israel’s history. How much poorer we would be without Daniel to encourage us. Every day needs its Daniel! Amen! Are you fearlessly willing to take a stand for the truth? Do you honor God or compromise with your convictions to be accepted or gain favor? Be challenged!
Posted on: Tue, 29 Jul 2014 17:10:21 +0000

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