Youve lost 100% of your life. Posted by Pastor Chike Ume May - TopicsExpress


Youve lost 100% of your life. Posted by Pastor Chike Ume May 20, 2013 Here I come again! Let me tell you a little story. Story, story, story!!! One time, a Professor of Oceanography had to travel to a certain community around the delta. The island had no connecting bridge so every traveler had to board any of the several canoes that operated at the river bank. The professor paid for all the seats on one of the canoes and boarded alone with the young teenage operator. Off they went and as the young teenager paddled on, the Professor kept gazing at him through his spectacles and periodically shook his head as if in pity. Finally he asked the young teen, young man, how old are you?. The young man replied Im seventeen Sir. The Professor bellowed- what?? is this all you do?have you gone to school at all? to which the young teen replied no as he paddled on. The Professor went again, do you know anything about biology...the study of plant and animal life?The young teen replied- bio-what? Ive never heard anything like that in my life!. The Professor promptly replied then youve lost 25% of your life!. As they moved further out to sea, the Professor asked again,young man, do you know anything about geography..,the earth bla bla bla..?. The young teen replied- Geo-what? i dont know what that is!. Again the Professor told himyouve lost another 25% of your life!. As they moved yet further out to sea, the Professor asked- young man, do you know anything about oceanography..the study of the oceans, seas and water bodies.... The young man replied again- Sir, Oceano-what? Ive never heard a word like that. The Professor replied yet again, Oh my boy, youve just lost another 25% of your life!. Shortly after this, as they got further out to sea, the currents became too strong, the winds were contrary and waves of water began splashing into the canoe. The young man was now struggling to keep the canoe on course. Then the canoe began to spin around driven by fierce currents. The Professor screamed, young man, whats happening?. The young teen replied hmm..Sir, do you know anything about swimming? cos right now thats the only knowledge that matters. The Pprofessors voice yyyou mm mmean? I dont know anything about swimming. The young man looked at the Professor, shook his heady and replied- sorry sir, that means youve just lost 100% of your life! and with that, he dived into the water and left the Prof in the canoe headed for disaster. What knowledge do you have? which information do you possess? superior knowledge or certificated knowledge? You know, education and literacy arent really the same thing. One can be literate without really being educated. Education is the training of the mind, the refining of the mind to know what information is required, where to find that information, how to get that information and what to do when you get it .i.e. applying learning to life; developing the power of reasoning and judgement. This is beyond what the classroom can give anybody although the inspiration should come from there. The classroom should stir in you a desire to know/learn but that which you need to know/learn may not be found in that class. Any so called learning that you cannot apply to your life to improve the quality of your life and improve the world or society is no education. Good enough, anyone can educate himself! Think about this, with the tropical climate in this part of the world and the fact that it lies on the equator thus making it hot, yet air conditioners are not manufactured here, werent invented here and arent even assembled here! its a need for people in this region but the need is being met from areas that really dont need them and our money goes to boost their economies...smells like low GMA right? and with all the universities dotting the entire region!
Posted on: Tue, 25 Mar 2014 04:31:12 +0000

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