“You’re a pain in the ass.” She moved toward the bathroom as - TopicsExpress


“You’re a pain in the ass.” She moved toward the bathroom as she continued. “I have to go. If you don’t…Phil, what are you doing here?” That just occurred to her. How had he found her and who the hell else knew where she was? When he got up and sauntered toward her, she knew that she wasn’t going to like his answer. When he kissed her lightly on the mouth and walked toward the suitcase that now lay on the floor, she watched him, waiting. “Who is this guy and why is he calling you Heather? I’m guessing that he doesn’t know you’re a were either, does he?” She shook her head at his question, knowing she couldn’t lie to him. “And last night, he tried something that pissed you off enough that you’d leave the chain on the door to speak to him because why…you don’t trust that he won’t try it again?” She nodded this time before answering. “He backed me against the wall and tried to take more than I was willing to give. Well, that’s not true. He tried to take everything. And before you ask, no, I didn’t do anything wolflike on his ass. I simply pushed him away.” “No, you didn’t,” he said laughingly. “You did do something. No man comes begging at a woman’s door for forgiveness if she only pushed him away.” He walked to her, slipped his hand under the robe, and cupped her breast. “What did you do to him, love? Tell me the truth and I won’t go down there and take his throat out with my bare hands.” She swallowed hard. He’d made it sound like he was going to the corner for a loaf of bread. And she knew that if she didn’t answer him or didn’t tell him what she’d actually done to him, he’d do just what he said. “I punched him in the mouth then I kicked his balls up around his eyes.” She licked her lips when he moved his mouth closer to hers. “I…are you going to kiss me, Phil?” “Do you want me to?” She nodded. “Then no. If we both are willing then you aren’t leaving this room. And the sooner you get this guy taken care of, the sooner you can explain to me why he’s so important and why he doesn’t know your name.” She took a step back, then another. She moved to the bathroom and only stopped when he said her name. She managed to catch the pants she’d had in her hand before another piece of material came toward her. She looked up at him when he cleared his throat.
Posted on: Wed, 04 Dec 2013 17:48:29 +0000

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