You’re supposed to click “like” if you’d like to play this - TopicsExpress


You’re supposed to click “like” if you’d like to play this little game. But comment to me, too. One of my best friends (don’t tell ‘em who, Jennie) has assigned me the number nine (9). I’m supposed to tell you nine things nobody knows about me. So here goes. If you know any of these things, I’ll send you a pat to put on your back. 1. I know you know that I am writing a book titled “Bread Upon the Waters,” but I have already written the sequel. It’s called “Chilèan Waters.” The story is in my head, written and ready to go—after I sell “Bread…” How ‘bout them apples? 2. When I was about 8 or 9 years old, I threw a dart high, high; really high into the air. It arced thataway, locked in on the neighbor’s spotted dog and landed in the poor dog’s head. I froze. Couldn’t move. The back of my knees felt real funny. The dog yelped a lot and furiously pawed at the dart. Finally, I hurried to its rescue. Just as I arrived, he finally managed to push it out. Off he trotted. That still makes the back of my knees feel funny. 3. The neighbor girl across from us is always getting in trouble. She a cute little 3-YO sass-pot. Her mother yells at her a lot and threatens to spank her little you-know-what. I interfere and scold her mother. The little girl and I give each other that look. Know what I mean? 4. A few people know this, but by now they’ve probably forgotten. When I was a freshman in college, I sang the tenor solos in “The Messiah.” Heck, I’ve almost forgotten. 5. I think the book “The Princess Bride” is better than the movie. Check it out. 6. I’m very proud to say that I was a friend of Mickey Mantle. 7. My number one favorite Bible passage is Job 19:25-26. Look it up. It talks about life and the future with God Himself. 8. I can carry 16 empty red wine glasses in one hand. I can carry 20 of the smaller white wine glasses. Secret: I was once in the restaurant business. 9. I sort all my shirts by the color of the plastic hangers. Thick white hangers are for coats and jackets. Thinner white ones are for my short-sleeved and golf-style shirts. Black ones are for all my T-shirts. Sometimes I space them one finger width apart. Wire hangers are not allowed except when things come home from the dry cleaner. I keep my shirts in three closets. My wife has everything of hers in one closet. So then, if you wanna play, just lemme know. Got a favorite number? First come, first served.
Posted on: Thu, 14 Nov 2013 13:27:49 +0000

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