You’ve Got Time. --- “You’ve got time. In time the right - TopicsExpress


You’ve Got Time. --- “You’ve got time. In time the right person will come into your life and all will be well. You’ve got lots of life to live; trust me you’ll be fine”. I know those composition of words are far away from extra-ordinary. We’ve all heard them so many times from so many people before. There’s nothing so special about them, nothing that would qualify as runner-up for world’s poetry competition. They are simple. Just another regular words with regular meaning. From time to time we will hear them. And I heard them, again, today. I was talking to a friend, who is undoubtedly never short of “promising” words he so proficiently conveys whenever we have time to greet each other over this cyber world. My dear friend. And he said those words to me. Nothing extra-ordinary. Just another terms of reassurance, if not, care, delivered from one attentive friend to the other. So he said those words to me. Yet somehow, this time, they sound so profoundly new to my ear. And surprisingly, beautiful. They almost sound like a lost love letter found in a bottle after a long exhausted time of floating aimlessly in the ocean. And I love them. I love his words, as if those words were recently invented just for me. I love his words, because they remind me of how lots of time I have got in my life. So. What is time anyway. I always have this personal belief that our brain does not actually have a real concept of time. Seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years … decades … centuries … all those unit of measures we use in our existence to define time so that our brain can process it, so it can tell the difference, or diversity of an event to that matter. Most of all, to remember. Memories. Yesterday. Today. Tomorrow. Past – Present – Future. Time is always changing, it’s not stationery and never stands still. It changes our perceptions, and our perceptions of time change continuously. The sun does not really move across the sky; it appears that way because the earth is spinning. Time is infinite, and precious. Yes, time is precious. In fact, it is the most precious thing that’s ever exist. Time. Existence. Have you ever experience this – for some cruel unfair faith, you lost a dearest person closest to your heart and was convinced that you would never see his face again …. despite those long endless nights of crying and waiting and hoping and wishing. And waiting. You’re waiting. You’re hurting. Yet you’re still waiting. In time. You wait. You waited. Then one day you’ve lost your faith. You gave up. You stopped waiting. Then you closed that chapter in your life, erased the memories and let the time went by without any single thought of his existence …………………., until. Until one particular afternoon, one ordinary day, destiny had decided to be kind and have a little fun and turn the time around, and brought you back together! One ordinary time, you walked on your normal street, wore your normal clothes, sprayed your normal perfume, thinking what’s for dinner, then …. suddenly, suddenly you saw that person – the very one that had caused you countless darks of sleepless nights and tears and pains [not to mention a broken heart] ……….. and then, suddenly there the person. You looked right through his eyes as he you. You froze. In time. At first you didn’t believe it. You’re lost for a moment. Then … only second was wasted before you two reached out, running to and almost crushed each other’s bones, surrendering in a long forgotten hugs. All feelings and emotions merged in unison, entwined with joys, tears, happiness, sorrow ….. all imprinted in that very moment of time. You wanted to say something, to speak, to scream out those words that you had forever kept in your mind out of your lunge, after all this time, yet you find yourself mute. In time. You touched his face. He touched yours. The warmth of both tears running through the hands ... reaching the hearts, mending them as they slowly turning those pains into comfort. And suddenly you don’t remember anything. You don’t remember the time. Because, suddenly, time-stands-still ……… there’s no other existence but the two of you. After all those years of waiting, those unit of measures passed by in your life, and now you can’t even remember. You no longer remember. Almost certainly your perception of those agonies and pains has become nothing but the opposite. Comforts and consolation. The compilation of cultured feelings only broken hearts can craft, that "precious" thing that you still visit from time to time to allow your brain to remember. A reminder. Remember. Time. Time has brought you back to where you started. Together, doing it all over again. The feelings so familiar, yet no concept at all. I remember now. I remember my time, my existence. I remember my life, the time that has passed me by and the time that is to come. I remember people, places, feelings …….. In the end, it’s all up to me. It’s up to me how I define all those things and events I experience in my life, for every one of them is precious. I am alright now. And I will be fine. From now on, I know I’ve got time. If not, then I will make it. I make time. It’s not just about waiting for that right person to come into my life. I make time to enjoy the time while waiting for that right person to emerge right before my eyes and take my breath away [I am close to believe that somehow he got lost at the intersection but only too proud to ask for a direction – typical male]. I make time to meet my deadlines. I make time to sit back and relax after a long 12 hour a day at work. I make time for my family. I make time to make phone calls to my friends and have that giggle or two before I had to get back to my work again. I make time to send text messages to those occupying my mind, even when I don’t get anything back in reply. I make time to care for others. I make time to listen. I make time to speak my mind. I make time to stop and smell the roses :) . I make time to plan for my future, near and far. I make time to decide what I want and whenever I want it. I make plan to eventuate those lists of “things-I-want-to-do/see” secretly kept in my head. How can I not when sighting aurora borealis is in one of them? And I definitely make time to populate my blogs with whatever come across my mind and worth pondering about, at least to me, and I am happy. Therefore, to my dear friend, I thank you. I thank you for your words today. They gave me hope. Not merely to the original intention of those sentences but rather the real meaning behind them. You actually care, and you DO have time for me. Thank you for reminding me to appreciate more of all those simple things in life we hardly notice and not to let them slipped away with time. Thank you for effortlessly showing me that you care. Thank you for your time. We may not always talk as often as friends would, but for you I WILL make time, whatever amount I can make. See you sometime soon during my “9-days” life. “Your time is yours, and yours only. Others can spend it with you, but not for you.” [To You – almost with love ]
Posted on: Wed, 19 Jun 2013 08:06:08 +0000

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