Yoweri: Mukyara( My wife) Janet: Waji Mwami( Hullo my - TopicsExpress


Yoweri: Mukyara( My wife) Janet: Waji Mwami( Hullo my sweetheart) Yoweri: I really saw you panicking over this Amama rat-squills. Amama is really finished. Tumemariiza yeeye...we have finished him. You see Mukyaara, Amama was part of our whole....He was a constituent part of the whole. Amama was part of the roof, fine, but the roof, the pillars, the ceiling etc constituted the whole. Janet.. kwonka mwaami( Kyooka you my husband)...thats revolutionary language..... So Amama ninkamakyunda( oba milk shake)....you shake him and get ghee... Yoweri; You need to learn this revolutionary language...havent you heard what comrade Mugabe has done....His sweet-heart is now a Professor...with in twenty one days, the egg had produced a chick... Janet; Mwaami, you mean with the fall of Jackline....after you I can be....How about Kadaga? She moves with your police.... Yoweri; But if I hear you say you want the chair.... Janet; But you cant do that, we have just renewed our marriage... Yoweri; What did you do in Makerere? Janet; BA Educ. Yoweri; and your teaching subjects? Janet: Beitu Yoweri wabaaki? ( what has happened to you?) Yoweri: You need to learn this revolutionary theory... Janet: I understand....I thought we had come here to relax and enjoy Godd nature.... Yoweri: A revolutionary has no time to relax and enjoy nature...I must constantly be vigilant to dominate all these idiots...they appear ready to contest ground....we must subdue them....wagiinga kabiisa...rubbish...NRM is from blood...how can they play around? Janet: but you are getting angry... Yoweri: Ntawamariiza...I will finish them... What Amama is doing is treachery... But he will be defeated... Janet: Are you sure sweet- heart...nga Im worried... Yoweri...No you dont need to. You see, Amama who was part of the whole cannot be bigger than the whole...No...and there is no way him as part of the whole can dominate the whole... Amama treachery was to get off part of the whole...and my concern is whether that part of the whole he gets off is sufficient for the whole to crush into small constituents sufficient enough to dominate the ground.... Janet...Mwaana Yoweri...simplify so that I follow... Yoweri: Thats why I asked for your teaching subjects... Janet: Ok go ahead... Yoweri; Very good... Now we quickly neutralized this chap with an ugly face...naani...call Kayihura to remind me...SILENCE....ok...very good....he says he is who...? asaante...(thank you).... Besigye...yes we finished Besigye using a three pronged appraoch...Firstly, we charged him with rape and that alienated him from women; We charged him with treason....you remember PRA?..and this made him angry...and the moment he said Suunami...Senyondo.... we deployed Bidandi Ssali...this Kiwatuure Civilian...with his adverts...oyiina kyeweekoredde....( do have some business....) You know business needs peace...Besigye got finished... Janet; What are you going to do with Amama now...? Yoweri: His silence has become problematic.... Janet: ...how can a General...and Sabalwanyi be scared of silence... Yoweri: The combination between Besigye, Tinyefuza and Amama is serious...it can destroy the whole.... Janet: ....Tinyefuza natuheeza...will finish us....exile again? Yoweri; Dont worry...sweet-heart... My concern, is why the Kadaga...and this Mucoori who pretends is born again...How did they allow Amama to second Nduggu Rugunda? Wajiinga...idiots....How do you allow Amama to say he cut off Rugundas beard...? That was classified.... Janet....Classified...? Yoweri: Yes...we used that beard to do something.... Janet : Yesu....Jesus... Yoweri: What? Janet...: But we came to relax....kandi kawasunguwaara....( you are getting angry...) Yoweri: Im disturbed by this Kadaga girl....we shall not accept it... Janet: You mean you are serious on Kadaga? Yoweri: You know in military, we have the doctrine of pre-emption...thats why America decimated Saddam Hussein.... I must attck and finish Kadaga.... because how did they allow Amama to second Rugunda...? Thats dangerous... You see if they surprise you....that will be trouble....so you need to demolish them in advance... Muhoozi: Daddy, I have the report from plot 10 Yoweri : Oh yeah...Amama was supposed to come there...amekuuja...he came? Muhoozi yes he did.... Yoweri: Endeereya...go a head... Muhoozi: Amama came guarded by kanyama... Yoweri: Who is Kanya... Muhoozi: These people who lift metals in gyms... Yoweri: Golora...hahaha....on that Kayihura will use pepper spray... Muhoozi: Daddy, when Amama Came, people started running away... Yoweri: Sure? Did they think he has political Ebora? Muhoozi: This Chap...Prof Mushemeza... Yoweri: Deputy NRM Electrol commission? Has Elijah joined Amama? Muhozi: No when he was running away from Amama, he collided with the door and injured his chest... Yoweri:How about this Chap Mike Mukula? Muhoozi: He hid in the toilet. Yoweri: Very good...and the cooks? Muhoozi: They didnt know Amama so they thought he had come for akatoogo kebyenda... Amama shook hands with them, and didnt buy... Yoweri: and what did they say? Muhoozi: E e e...kalabe akasajja kaano...kalowoza twaaze waano kubuuza...kagiila obulawuuri...nakareevu...see this ka man...with a ka beard and glasses he thought we came hear to greet people... Janet: Mwaami we go early...you know Garang and the chopper flying at night.... Yoweri: The yellow legged eagle walks...
Posted on: Tue, 14 Oct 2014 10:27:57 +0000

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