Yshua is YAH (the Word) made flesh - period. What hope do we have - TopicsExpress


Yshua is YAH (the Word) made flesh - period. What hope do we have if Yshua is just an ordinary dude? NONE. Be not deceived... Many work there way around this and I have seen it for myself. They will try to present you with some scriptures out of context which are neatly presented and that are coated in sugar to sway you into believing otherwise. They will come in such a sweet, humble and nice manner to do what ever it takes to get you to believe Yshua is not YAH. The sad part is if you cant explain Yshua from the tanakh... the odds are you will be duped into believing that Yshua is just a prophet or an ordinary dude. 1 Jhn 2:21-23 I have not written unto you because ye know not the truth, but because ye know it, (( and that no lie is of the truth. )) Who is a liar but he that denieth that Yahshua is the Messiah? He is anti-Messiah, that denieth the Father and the Son (the Word). Whosoever denieth the Son (the Word), the same hath not the Father: he that acknowledgeth the Son (the Word) hath the Father also.
Posted on: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 17:07:02 +0000

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