Yuh ever had a big fat grin, over-brimming with confidence, - TopicsExpress


Yuh ever had a big fat grin, over-brimming with confidence, strutting as if yuh own the world, but inside... {not very deep inside, quite near the surface if yuh scratch actually}... yuh wondering what de asssssss just happened & how yuh pull off what yuh do? Well... right now, thats me. Queens Hall was offered to us exactly 17 days ago... I hesitated. Cmon... who de ass going to throw a show right after school re-opens and expect to sell? With exactly 15 DAYS to sell it? I nearly gave up. The confidence others have in me, ALWAYS astounds me. Like dem aint know bout pure fackin luck? But the thing is, theres no such thing as luck. Luck occurs when your arse has planted the necessary HARD WUK, with sweat. Better Luck arrives when your sweat is mixed with blood. The Greatest Luck of all swoops in when your sweat, blood & tears nourish the roots of your Hard Wuk Tree. All for nought if Gratitude for Gods mercy isnt first on your agenda. Last night I looked at our pictures... mih chest likkle tight. I work mih ass off, but without the presence of my Ancestors, best I stay in my bed. Without a solid foundation nooooooo house can stand. The foundation of Priceless is my Grandmother. Cant get any more solid than that. and so, Divine Order was established. To God be ALL glory. To the Grandmothers, I humbly walk in faith and love, knowing that your journey created my path. To the Ancestors, Guardians, Orishas, Deities, Warriors, Teachers and Lovers that surround us always, I give thanks. To the Priceless Family... hear nuh... allyuh just beautiful. Kwesi my first face, the Warrior, ever ready to defend & protect me. Darren my quiet pending hurricane. Karimah my ever evolving dose of reality. Franklin my Souls Soldier... *Tobago voice* I BRING MIH TINGS :D Jolene my child by love. Summer you tug the ends of my mouth... thank you for my smile. To Sherwin Marcelle, yesterday you defined brother for me. But for your absolute BRILLIANCE, I humbly stand in awe and THANK YOU. To Anthony Scully, your lens as per usual found the right way to say exactly what was required. Scullman, YOU are a genius. For your patience & generosity I THANK YOU ! To Rhonda, I starting to feel you belong to me ! How did I ever function without you maam? From my heart, the very essence of my being, I THANK YOU ! To Nigel R. Khan Booksellers extraodinaire , theres a reason why I place my prosperity in a bookstore. NOTHING can be accomplished without research & knowledge. For you unwavering generosity I THANK YOU ! For Adams Bagels, Charlene & Ayana... you both are pillars that stand against the tide. For your constant presence and patience especially with me, Im ever grateful, I THANK YOU ! To Media 21 the respect and combined professionalism is unparalleled ! I am ever in your debt, THANK YOU. To Nestle for your unwavering support & constant strength, I THANK YOU. To Bs ICE CREAM... that sweetness is tooooo real ! For providing my guests with a blessed taste of wonderful, I thank you! To Teion Sealy (hair), the world KNOWS you take care of more than my hair. You scratch out mih head, literally. My Spirit is at peace in your presence. Teion more than thanks eh. To Arlene Villarule... well ... well... well... these days de ole face need more than a beating eh! I could take a complete overhaul, yet you ALWAYS manage to pull off flawless. Magician I humbly THANK YOU. To the Management & Staff of Queens Hall, for the opportunity so generously offered to earn & entertain, I humbly THANK YOU. ma ... if not for you thered be no me. bless
Posted on: Thu, 18 Sep 2014 03:29:54 +0000

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