Yuliya Sorokina: APPEAL TO JOURNALISTS AND PHOTOGRAPHERS IN RUSSIA AND UKRAINE & TO ALL COLLEAGUES AND FRIENDS IN THE WORLD! The night before, on January 29, in Tashkent six journalists, photographers and social activists have been detained by police and taken to an unknown destination,. These are – Umida Akhmedova Timur Karpov, Alex Ulko, Ashot Danielyan, Ilgar Gasimov and Gulsum Osmanova. Umida Akhmedova – well known in Uzbekistan and worldwide photographer and documentary filmmaker. She has been harassed by the authorities for insulting the feelings of the Uzbek people and slander on traditional values . Her son Timur Karpov - journalist , photo editor of online edition Lenta.Ru lives and works in Moscow and arrived in Tashkent for short vacations. A few days ago, his works were removed by the authorities from the group exhibition at the Tashkent House of Photography. In Moscow, Timur has wife and five-month son . Ashot Danielian - leader of well known Tashkent rock band Wings of Origami . Alex Ulko - organizer of the event , is a journalist and culturologist , ethnic Ukrainian living in Samarkand.... All mentioned above citizens – are our friends and colleagues, they organise the action for support of Evromaydan protesters held on January 27 near the Ukrainian Embassy in Tashkent. On this day, they organized a short picket outside the embassy and handed over to the Ukrainian diplomatic mission a petition for the support of the Maidan - demanded the resignation of the prime-minister Azarov (which , incidentally, happened a day later) , expressed their support for the people of Ukraine , oppose inhuman , corrupt and totalitarian regime of Viktor Yanukovych not only condemned the use of force against protesters in Kiev and other cities of the country , but also the absence of an intention of the Ukrainian authorities to conduct a constructive dialogue with the political opposition and social movement Maidan . Note that it is forbidden in Uzbekistan to carry out any unauthorized actions (pickets and demonstrations ) entails severel punishment in the form of administrative arrest, large fines or even imprisonment. On the other hand, to get permission from the authorities to carry out one or another public event is almost impossible. It is obvious that all six detained is a restless for their civic engagement and participation in this very embassy picket . Where they are now - nobody knows. (translation from ferghana.ru )
Posted on: Thu, 30 Jan 2014 20:12:53 +0000

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