Yum...just read my October newsletter from Tanis Helliwell. That - TopicsExpress


Yum...just read my October newsletter from Tanis Helliwell. That woman is pure genius, to me. I feel her in my bones. She just gave me some soup: 10 Keys to Integrate Spirituality in Your Work and Life Life is a journey, not a guided tour. 1. Change as an Opportunity The Chinese character for change has two characters. One represents danger and one represents opportunity. In the Western world we too often see change only as what we will lose and not as what we will gain. Every change to our worldview offers us an opportunity for personal transformation. 2. Irritation that Encourages Transformation It is easy to be spiritual in isolation. Interacting and working with others and rubbing up against our differences may cause irritation, but this often is the piece of grit that leads us to create a beautiful pearl. 3. Celebrating Each Other Pain and difficulty must be offset by joy and celebration in order for growth to continue. Otherwise we are in danger of erecting barriers for self-protection. Therefore, we need to make sure that our work environment offers feelings of acceptance, compassion and celebration of the many positive qualities of ourselves and of others. 4. Centering While interacting with others offers us many ways to stretch to encompass their points of view, we must always maintain our own centre and equilibrium or we lose ourselves and our goals. 5. Time Out Many years ago I learned a wonderful song called Let go and let God. On a daily basis we need to take time out from both our inner questions and outer world to enter silence. This time out allows us to let our worries dissolve while new energy and inspiration surface. 6. Forgiveness So much of our energy can be tied up in holding on to negative feelings about others and the nasties that theyve done us, and also in not forgiving ourselves for failing to be perfect. Do you know anyone who is perfect? I dont. 7. Establish Common Goals In order to be effective we must feel that our goals are aligned with those of our organization and with the people with whom we work. Common goals create a sense of shared purpose and this builds trust so that little interpersonal differences dont needle us. 8. Trust in Synchronicity Opportunities come our way when we are aligned to universal energy. Look for clues, both small and large, that tell you where to go, what to say and what to do. We have a sense of rightness when we do this, and it increases our flexibility and sense of trust in the universe. 9. Surprise Surprise yourself by doing something different each day. This breaks up old programs and patterns. It could be driving to work or home a different way, or reading a book outside your interest, or perhaps speaking to a stranger on the street. Surprise is a treat for our soul. It wakes us up to fully experience the wonder of life. 10. Saying Good-bye When we feel that there is no longer alignment of our goals to those of either our workplace or to our choice of work, its time to celebrate what has been learned and find a way of leaving with grace. If we stay in something after its time to leave, our energy will diminish, which is helpful neither to us nor to our relationships with others.
Posted on: Sun, 17 Nov 2013 15:59:17 +0000

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