Yup. Just laying here thinking about sleep. Looking at the - TopicsExpress


Yup. Just laying here thinking about sleep. Looking at the ceiling, looking at the wall, looking at the other wall, looking at the door, looking at the wall outside the door on the hallway past the door thinking bout random stuff, thinking bout chicks, thinking bout my family, thinking bout my homies, wondering what theyre all doin right now, thinking bout so and so wondering if she thinks bout me i doubt it tho, hard to not think bout that but i cant help it. Im just a lonely boy oh oh oh i gotta a love thats waiting a waiting a waiting oh im just a lonely boy just a lonely boy and i gotta love thats waiting a waiting. All i remember bout that song from the black keys and as i was thinking that system of a down popped in my head called its a lonely day,such a lonely day and its mine such a lonely day should be banned. Now im thinking bout songs bout being bored and loney cause im bored and lonely rightnow. Ok a song called uhmm i wanna make love right now now now now now now now now i wanna na na na na na na na na just one of those nights i just dont wanna go to sleep everything fawked something something thats a little bit of limp bizkit and before it was akon. My beds comfy but its cold cause its just me sleeping in it. Im not used to sleeping alone. Miss having a woman to cuddle up with and keep tight with during sleepless nights. Now im just alonewith my thoughts. Hugging my shadows but even that leaves me. Wish i had somebody to talk too bout random stuff with. Like a chick. A chick who likes cudding and talkin bout random stuff like cuddling and stuff. Lately ive been dreaming bout random stuff and its weird cause im like with a chick and were like talking then like everythings moving really fast around us and were just laying there like not moving its pretty trippy. Then my dream changes to another dream i heard that each dream only lasts 8 minutes and my dreams seem longer or i dream bout the same thing but the dream changes its weird but goodi guess sometimes i dream so much it feels like i havent even slept and wake up tired still. I guess they say rapid eye movement deep sleep isnt good for people since the mind isnt getting the proper rest it needs and still active. Snoring is bad too i guess not sure how but its a sign of a stroke sinceyour laringes or esphagus is like vibrating due to the snoring and could cause an air bubble or clot something like that and disrupt bloidflow to the brain but i havent heard of that before i guess its another thingy that youre not getting the proper oxygen intake that youre supposed to get that snoring prevents and cause you to swallow your tounge? Another thingy i havent heard of lately. Sounds freaky tho swallowing your own tounge sounds painful and uncomfortable. Thinking bout sleep again my blankets are warm now and i dont really like using them to cover up just as a pillow slash blanket? I can hearthe birds already in the trees singing away and chirping. A faint howl of traffic and the trainyard i guess. I actually read a topic bout different sleeppositions that have pros and cons. The recommended position is called the soldier sleep, flat on your back. I sleep on my side and my stomach which is bad since i forgot but i know its bad somehow. Something about blood flow sinking to your tummy too much and not enough to your back, think it has the potential to cause a stroke too not sure. Thinking bout her again. Think ill go to sleep now or try to sleep. I better sleep before i work myself up thinking bout stupid crap and stay awake. Welp good night. Have a good day or sleep. Whatever it is good morrow. Im hungry now. Everytime im hungry i always think of a Snickers commercial those are funny. Latest one i watched was about a football coach saying he wants the team to give everything hugs and knit sweaters for the other team then serve them tea with tea covers then the assistant coach yells at him and gives him a snickers bar oh yeah robin williamsacts in it which was funnier the he ate the snickers and started ranting bout lets killem!! Hungry? Grab a snickers! Cause youre not yourself when yourehungry!! Another favorite commercial is Skittles. Last one was these funny people in a weird old age home when this dude is holding a rainbow sharing his skittles with people acting all happy then another dude sitting away from them looking all sad then the guy holding the rainbow decides to share thrn the sad guy gets excited runs over trips on the skittles and breaks the rainbow afterwards they all look stupid. The sas guy fixes the rainbow with duct tape gives it back with a goody smile in hopes to make his friend feel better then the rainbow shits on him in a colorful crap. Oh yeah that Mio water oneis funny too you can squirt a little or squirt a lot it changes everything.
Posted on: Wed, 19 Jun 2013 12:01:47 +0000

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