Yvonne Roberts via Kazi Kearse These flights have been reported by - TopicsExpress


Yvonne Roberts via Kazi Kearse These flights have been reported by other citizens and several of the military men who work inside the base have reported that the UN troops are given US military clothing and name tags. When our servicemen question this, the soldiers are told they did NOT see what they just saw. Base operations refused to confirm or deny or discuss these sightings. Lately, rumors and reports regarding the presence of foreign troops in the US working with our armed forces have been hitting public awareness. Originally government sources denied these reports, but now official reports are confirming what eye witnesses had been reporting. (SaveAmericaFoundation) Russia herself confirms that the Obama administration has requested 15,000 Russian troops to train with FEMA in the event of a SHTF scenario, particularly in the Washington D.C., Maryland, and Virginia area. The question is why? It appears that foreign troops are working with US troops, practicing on urban warfare, civil unrest, and civil disturbance scenarios. In Colorado, rumors of Russian troops practicing to deal with terrorist raids and martial law scenarios have been proven correct by our own US armed forces. Peterson AFB in Colorado is another base being used.
Posted on: Wed, 10 Jul 2013 06:30:58 +0000

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