Yvonne Stewart-Taylor: This is a Letter that Im sending to the - TopicsExpress


Yvonne Stewart-Taylor: This is a Letter that Im sending to the Councils Solicitor re an eMail that she sent me saying that the Council was acting Lawfully re sending out False Liability Orders and Warrants to People to attend Court for Council Tax Arrears. The Council is Stealing your Money. [Verified Document] Solicitor Regulatory and Enforcement Services (Legal) Neighbourhood Services Group Dear, Lisa McCann, I received your Letter, informing me about Summonses and Liability Orders. You say: “Under the Council Tax Regulations 1992. Council can make a Complaint to the Court and if the Justice of the Peace (JP) is satisfied that the Complaint is Valid, a Summons will be issued.” The Council’s Representative will submit an Application and all Material Matter, to the Clerk of the Court, who will then lay the Application and all Material Matter before the JP/Magistrate. Laying of Material Matter before the JP/Magistrate does: (a) require full disclosure of the known facts re the Liability of the Subject, and (i) this includes the true course of conduct taken by you, and (b) an Application for an Order shall be done under the full Liability of Perjury, and (i) failure to disclosure all Facts is an act of Perjury. Subject Material Matter: A Bill for the Liability, a Bill signed under full Liability of Perjury, and a Statement of Liability to demonstrate such Liability. Has the Council ever presented any of the above Material Matter, Lisa McCann? You say: “This Summons will be Signed by a JP / Justices Clerk (JC). This may be in an Electronic, Stamped or in Wet Format (dependant on the Courts procedure).” Please will you show me the signed Summons? If a Signature is an Electronic Signature, it therefore can be produced only as a Print Signature. That is Fine if it is on a Loan Note in accordance with the Bill of Exchange Act 1882, but NOT if it is a Summons. Manchester Magistrates Courts are Failing to follow Procedure re this matter. They Send their Warrants Electronically to Debt Collectors (without a Signature nor Seal) which renders them unLawful when Executed. You say: “This Summons is an Order to attend Court” A Summons is NOT an Order to attend Court. A Summons is an Invitation to Appear at Court. You say: “It is inCorrect that the Council Hires the CourtRoom for the Day. The Court has certain days on which Matters are Heard.” I stand corrected. The Council doesn’t Hire the CourtRoom for the Day, but it Pays for the Administration Process that takes place in the CourtRoom in the Courts for that Day. Should I say that the Subject Victim Pays. You say: “This Hearing is the Opportunity for anyone Summonsed to Dispute the Liability Order if he so wishes. If a Liability Order is made then this will be Signed by a Magistrate/JP.” It is a Fact that the Liability Order will be made against the Subject before he even enters the CourtRoom and if the Magistrate/ JP signs the Liability Orders I would like to see one. You say: “If you have any Complaints re correspondence received from a Court, then this should be taken up with the Court.” That is what I did. I called the Court and he said that he has NO Record of such a Summons nor Liability Order made against me, and said that I should contact the Council because it is ITS Summons and Liability Order. Lisa McCann (as a Solicitor Regulatory (Legal)) you are aware that the Court is based on the Roman Court System and is a Court of Record. Any Magistrate Sitting in Session would be Acting within the Capacity of his Oath. All Magistrates take the Judicial Oath when they are Sworn In. All Proceedings within the CourtRoom are Recorded and Filed. When the Judiciary opens a CourtRoom to a Private Corporation, namely Manchester City Council [Owner of New East Manchester Ltd (a For Profit Business)] due to an agreement between the judiciary and the executive, it then becomes a Private Administrative Court and the Magistrate (Sitting in Session) will not be operating under his Judicial Oath, he will be Acting as an Adjudicator (processing Administrative Regulations). That is why there are NO Records (in the Magistrates Court) of any proceedings that are of a Private Administrative Nature. If the Claim made in your Letter, Lisa McCann is True (and I dare not question your integrity re your knowledge of the Administrative Court procedures, that a JP/Magistrate did Sit in Session (in a Private Administrative Court) acting within the capacity of a JP/Magistrate, operating under their Promissory Oath, when he issued the Summons and Liability Order against me) then this is a Breach of that Promissory Oath, an Act of Perjury and Fraud. Lisa McCann, will you Please give Clarification? Are you stating that he is acting within his capacity of a Magistrate/Judge operating under his Promissory Oath? Performing Administrative Acts (on behalf of the Executive) is inCompatible with the Terms of the Oath, which Magistrates take when they are Created. If a Magistrate was to Authorize such a Liability, he would be Committing an Offence via Administering his Oath Out of Service. The fact that a Magistrate did Sit in Session is Evidence of the Offence. Particulars of such an Offence are: A Magistrate unLawfully Administered an Oath Out of Service to Manchester City Council, in a manner which the Magistrate has NO Jurisdiction, namely: “The Magistrate has Sworn an Oath to Serve Our Sovereign Lady Queen Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, Battenberg, Mountbatten, Windsor the Second, in the Office of Magistrate, and to do right by all manner of People after the Laws of this Realm, without Fear or Favour, Affectation nor IllWill.” The aforesaid Oath does NOT Authorize any Magistrate (in the Common Law Jurisdiction of England and Wales) to Adjudicate ANY Hearing in which the Matter is to be decided, in any way other, than by a Jury. ‘Administrative Law’ (soCalled Law) forms NO part of ‘the Laws of the Realm’ - which Judges Swear to uphold via Promissory Oath that binds them to a specific course of conduct –otherwise they cannot be said to perform their judicial duties impartially. “Halsburys Laws of England /ADMINISTRATIVE LAW (VOLUME 1(1) (2001/2011 REISSUE) states: “There is NO Authority for Administrative Courts and NO Act can be passed to Legitimise them”. Regulations and Legislation are NOT Laws. There are NO Agreements, NO Contracts nor Consent to Contract and any Summons and Liability Orders from an Administrative Court are NOT Valid, as they are NOT Legitimised, so therefore are NOT Lawfully enForceable. Faithfully and WithOut IllWill, Vexation nor Frivolity, Signed by: Ken Dobson Absolute Seal Robert James Watson: Civil Procedure Rule 40.2: Orders must be Sealed by a Court etc Jacqueline Lynch: Wow! I Give In! You Win!!
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 19:42:09 +0000

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