ZANU PF ELECTIONS RESULTS Results of the Zanu PF provincial - TopicsExpress


ZANU PF ELECTIONS RESULTS Results of the Zanu PF provincial elections, which were held in seven provinces across the country, have started trickling in. In Bulawayo, Dr Calistas Ndlovu has retained the provincial chairmanship after beating Cde Killian Sibanda and Cde Douglas Ndlovu. The incumbent garnered 1083 votes, while his deputy, Cde Sibanda and Cde Douglas Ndlovu got 592 and 757 votes respectively. In the Women’s League, Cde Ever Bitu garnered 345 votes to beat the former chairlady, Cde Sihle Thebe who got 291 votes, whilst Cde Barbra Ghatsi got 280 votes. In the Youth League, Cde Mabutho Moyo surrendered the chairmanship to Cde Khumbulani Mpofu who got 378 votes against Cde Moyo’s 339 votes. Results from Matabeleland South province indicate that the Minister of Sport, Arts and Culture, Cde Andrew Langa has retained his post as the party’s provincial chairman. Cde Langa garnered 5553 votes against former provincial chairman, Cde Lloyd Siyoka and Cde Phumuza Ndlovu who had 1013 and 558 votes respectively. In an interview with the ZBC News, the Returning Officer, Dr David Parirenyatwa, said the results of the elections, which he described as peaceful, will be presented to the Politburo before they are officially announced. In other organs, Cde Alice Dube and Cde Washington Nkomo retained their posts as chairpersons of the Women and Youth Leagues respectively after winning unopposed. In Matabeleland North, Cde Richard Moyo has been declared the party’s provincial chairperson after beating his rival, Cde Reeds Dube. Cde Moyo garnered 7441 votes against Cde Dube who garnered 3105 votes. Cde Madeline Bhebhe was also elected chairperson of the Women`s League after gaining 2787 votes to beat Cde Siphiwe Mafuwa who had 1393 votes. The post of Youth Provincial Chairperson was won by Cde Tamuka Nyoni who polled 1674 votes against 1376 votes won by Cde Delay Ncube. The Zanu PF team leader for Matabeleland North provincial elections, Dr Sidney Sekeramayi said the voting process went on peacefully and smoothly despite some challenges. He said at some stations, voting material was not delivered on time, resulting in voting delays. He also said there was no voting in three centres due to irregularities in the voters register, adding that the results exclude Lupane West constituency. Elections results are also expected from other provinces, which include Harare, Masvingo, Mashonaland East and Mashonaland West. Manicaland, Midlands and Mashonaland Central provinces have already chosen their leadersh
Posted on: Sun, 01 Dec 2013 16:52:18 +0000

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