ZANU PF UK ZVAKARE!!! AYAAS! SURE! SOME OF MADNESS KNOWS NO BOUNDS!! INTERIM COMMITTE HAS LOST MEANING!: For starters when I founded this structure it was meant to be interim not morph into self appointed false titles not found in the Zanu PF constitution, now am told from Zimbabwe and from the members in the interim committee the chair has factored in some chosen so and so into deputy positions of various interim positions, why not just follow the constitutional mandate, establish structure leading to substantive elections for a constitutionally elected body meeting all Zanu PF constitutional requirements? Seriously if husband and wife stand in front of people calling me and other cadres radical for championing black empowerment and land reform then what are they themselves!!? The President is a radical!!, Zanu PF as a REVOLUTIONARY PARTY!! is radical, a revolution by its very nature is radical, yes am proud to be a radical game Zanu PF cadre, we are a radical party thicko!!, mamauncle tom better africans here nandi veduwe? What the hell are you if you are not radical because all our policies are a radical fundamental change of the racist status quo, a shift from multi national western domination of the exploitation of our natural resources. If you are not radical should you even hold a position in the revolutionary party. This habit of talking about the esteemed son of the soil must stop, its not why I founded Zanu PF UK!!!, FOLLOW THE ZANU PF CONSTITUTION FULL STOP, this chicanery family affair nonsense needs to stop, START ATTACKING ZIDERA AND STOP POSTURING ABOUT EU SANCTIONS THAT ARE NOW A PAPER TIGER AND BEING ALLOWED TO LAPSE ON 31ST OCTOBER!!.GO AND CONFRONT THE AMERICANS WHO ARE RUNNING THE MOST RUINOUS SANCTIONS AND KEEPING OUR COUNTRY UNDER INTERNATIONAL FINANCING SIEGE!!!........... the son of the soil did his part in founding Zanu PF UK, am honestly not interested at all in lowering myself to fighting Zanu PF yekumba kwana nhingi, stop using other peoples names to explain away why you are failing to progress!!! stop nepotism, stop lying to head office, stop embelishing popularity by association with elected office holders when you yourself is running scared from the people, failing to organise substantive elections so as to hold on to non existent in the constitution false title, you can fool the guillibles therein, but seriously you know your territory will not grow with this unconstitutional charade, am told from Zimbabwe that after exposing the soliciting for delegates via whatsapp, the reaction has been to give people non existend deputy position in an INTERIM COMMITTEE!!! .......where is that in the constitution, all delegates without exception at the Zanu PF Congress will be elected cadres from party subordinate structures!, only congress can alter the Zanu PF constitution by a stated majority!!....... so where do you spring these little shenanigan titles you are now giving each other while calling the son of the soil a radical, I SAID AND I REPEAT, UNDERSTAND ZANU PF THORUGH ITS CONSTITUTION AND YOU WILL NOT HEAR US SAY A WORD, FOLLOW THE CONSTITUTION AND STOP EMBARASSING US AND THE PARTY WITH THESE UNSUSTAINABLE SELF SERVING NONSENSES MHANI NXAAAA!!.... whoever is telling you this is acceptable is lying to you. Read the constitution for yourselves, it is the party bible!!
Posted on: Tue, 23 Sep 2014 18:52:28 +0000

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