ZAP Mid Week Update – 7th January 2015 Financial News, - TopicsExpress


ZAP Mid Week Update – 7th January 2015 Financial News, Governance, Truth and Republic, World News. (Posted @Stage2Omega, compiled by Rique Seraphico). HI ALL, THERE IS LITTLE TO REPORT AT THE MOMENT. THE BANKERS ARE ALL VERY BUSY DEALING WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE RELEASES, AND THE PROCESSES ARE GAINING MOMENTUM AND FLUIDITY. THE INTENDED START DATE FOR PROJECTS IS STILL JANUARY 15. AT THAT TIME, THE DOORS WILL CRACK OPEN, AND WE WILL BEGIN THE FORMAL FUNDING OF PROJECTS. FIRST IN LINE ARE THE INTERNAL PROJECTS DEALING WITH OXYGEN, OZONE, WATER, RADIATION, AND CHILDREN/SENIOR ISSUES. THE STUFF OF LIFE. AT THE SAME TIME, PROCESSING WILL BEGIN ON ALL SUBMISSIONS TO DATE. ALL SUBMISSIONS WILL BE ADDRESSED IN DUE COURSE, AND WHEN A PROJECT IS IN COMPLIANCE, A FORMAL RESPONSE WILL GO OUT TO ADVISE THE PRINCIPALS THAT THEIR PROJECTS ARE ABOUT TO GO TO FUNDING. I WOULD LIKE TO THANK ALL OF YOU FOR THE NEW PROJECT PROPOSALS BEING SENT TO [email protected]. WHEN SUBMITTING ANY FURTHER REQUESTS PLEASE DEFINE YOUR PROJECT’S VISION IN THE FIRST PARAGRAPH OF YOUR PROPOSAL. THIS WILL ALLOW THE PROPER CATEGORIZATION OF YOUR PROJECT TO THE PROPER DEPARTMENT. THANKS TO ALL FOR ALL YOUR HARD WORK, AND I VERY MUCH LOOK FORWARD TO ROLLING UP THE SLEEVES AND GETTING STUFF DONE WITH YOU. Hi Susan Zap Once again thanks for doing what you do, we see you! and acknowledge your light! We have no doubt of you staying the course. I hope things are becoming easier for you now. I thought it would be a wise move to share recent developments that we have experienced with The Red Dragon Ambassador. We certainly don’t want to fall into a trap of being lined up for funding, to be delayed or jerked about. We have a great team that is developing each day and becoming more certain of their role in this unfolding scenario and really understanding their own personal power. We have experienced a certain amount of acceleration in our funding application as we are no longer in line to be dealt with by Dave Schmidt’s process and it would appear they are talking to us directly. We have yet to hear their response which we expect in the next couple of days. However, it is important that the IPR of this idea is as public and transparent as possible, because it really does have the power to effect the global positive energetic and correctly managed and financed to bring in these changes within a 2 year period. So please spread this out within your collective, perhaps grandfather might be interested to have a look lol. We are looking for a co-funded situation which will also assist towards the healing We are at your shoulder, we are ready to bring this in, just give us the tools brothers and sisters PG YES AGREE. THE RED DRAGONS ARE CASHED UP AND FUNCTIONAL, AND THEY ARE ACTIVELY SEEKING 501c3 ORGANIZATIONS I UNDERSTAND. I DO NOT CARE IF THE PROJECT IS A 501c3 OR A CORNER GROCERY STORE, SO MY FOCUS IS A BIT DIFFERENT FROM THEIR CURRENT MANDATE, BUT BOTH APPROACHES LEAD TO THE SAME GOAL SO ALL GOOD. IT DOES NOT MATTER IF IT IS THE RED DRAGONS THAT FUND, ME, OR ANY OF THE OTHER PATHS FOR THIS PURPOSE. THE POINT IS TO GET AS MUCH DONE AS QUICKLY AS POSSIBLE TO GIVE A HELPING HAND IN THE FASTEST MANNER. THIS IS SUCH A MASSIVE EFFORT ON ALL OUR PARTS, THAT IT WILL INDEED TAKE MANY OF US TO GET IT DONE. GRANDFATHER IS THE SOURCE OF THE FUNDS (WITH THE CROWNS) THAT IS ENABLING THIS TO MOVE FORWARD. WE CAN ALL THANK THE ROYALS FOR THIS REMARKABLE TIME IN OUR HISTORY AS THEY ARE THE ONES THAT HAVE RELEASED THE FUNDS FOR THIS PURPOSE. I have read and listened to all the promises of great financial returns now for the past 20 years. Is there any information that is put out by Zap and the rest that can actually be substantiated in the “real world?” PLEASE DO NOT LUMP ME IN WITH “THE REST”. I DO THESE LETTER AS A COURTESY IN MEMORIUM OF JAMES/POOF, WHO FOR OVER 20 YEARS HAS BEEN A PILLAR OF TRUTH AND GOOD ADVICE. I HAVE BEEN PRIVY TO MANY THINGS OVER TIME, AND I DO HAVE PROOF IN MY HANDS AS TO THE AMOUNTS AVAILABLE FOR FUNDINGS, AND I AM PARTY TO CERTAIN TRANSACTIONS FOR THIS PURPOSE. SO YES, I DO HAVE INTIMATE KNOWLEDGE OF THE VIABILITY AND VERACITY OF THE FUNDS DESTINED FOR THIS PURPOSE, BUT AS WITH ALL OTHER CORPORATE MATTERS, THESE INFORMATIONS CAN NOT BE SHARED OUTSIDE THE BOARDROOM. WOULD YOU POST YOUR FINANCIALS OR BANK STATEMENTS ONLINE? Many of us in the real estate industry were virtually wiped out in September of 2008 and have never recovered. We continue to read all the information that comes to us each week, but never is there any substance….nothing. It’s unfair to those of us who have been annihilated by the economic market. READING INFORMATION THAT PROVIDES GLIMPSES INTO WHAT IS TO COME WITHOUT RELYING ON IT FOR DAY TO DAY SURVIVAL IS IMPORTANT TO DO. EVEN THOUGH I AM IN THE MIDDLE OF IT ALL, I MUST PAY MY RENT, BUY FOOD, AND LOOK AFTER PERSONAL BILLS. WE ALL DO. GETTING HIT HARD DUE TO THE ECONOMIES IS SOMETHING THAT WE ALL HAVE TO DEAL WITH, INCLUDING ME. I HAVE CHOSEN THE PATH OF HELPING HUMANITY, AND THAT SEEMS TO HAVE BEEN A BIT TOUGHER TO DO THAN READING BLOGS OF PROMISES AND WAITING. HOWEVER, DO NOT THINK THAT I AM PUTTING THIS ACTIVITY DOWN, AS THOSE WHO SIT AND SWEAT ALSO WORK. I AM POINTING OUT THAT YOU MUST ALSO DO THE DAY TO DAY WHILE WAITING. As you know the disparity between the rich and now even the ever shrinking middle class is becoming greater and greater. TELL ME. THIS IS VERY EVIDENT, AND PART OF THE CABAL AGENDA OF COURSE. This being said WHAT is actually holding up disbursement of funds such as PP and F&P or should we finally just dismiss all of this as a long term pipe dream? We’re tired of being called delusional fools. You can post this is you’d like as hundreds if not thousands of others share the same sentiment. YES I DO UNDERSTAND. NO, NOBODY IS BEING DELUSIONAL, ALTHOUGH THE PASSAGE OF TIME WITHOUT RESULTS IS GROUNDS FOR THINKING IN THIS DIRECTION. THE REALITY OF THE PPP AND THE F&P IS THERE, AND AT SOME POINT, IT WILL BECOME A HARD FACT. WITH THE CURRENT RELEASES NOW, WE MAY SEE THIS COME ABOUT SHORTLY BUT I DO NOT KNOW THE TIMING. Hello Zap, I read your columns often. (And really like your sense of humor!) I would prefer you leave me and this note out of your columns! :-) I AM LEAVING THE NOTE OUT, BUT I ACKNOWLEDGE THE INFORMATION IN RESPECT OF THIS FELLOW, AND MUCH APPRECIATE THE HEADS-UP. I DO THINK THAT THE RED DRAGONS CAN ALSO SEE SUCH THINGS (IN TIME) AND COME TO THEIR OWN CONCLUSIONS. AS FAR AS I AM CONCERNED, THE PATH I AM ON IS VERY CLEAR AND TRANSPARENT WITHOUT POLITICS. THE PATH HE HAS CHOSEN IS DEEPLY MIRED IN SUCH THINGS WHICH DO NOT SEEM TO WORK TO THE FAVOR OF THE LITTLE GUY, SO THEREIN LIES THE DIFFERENCE. HOWEVER, I DO SUPPORT THE BASE OR FUNDAMENTALS OF THE PROPOSITION AS PUT FORTH. BY THE WAY, YOU ARE NOT THE FIRST PERSON TO COME FORWARD WITH SUCH INFORMATION, AS I HAVE RECEIVED MANY EMAILS INSTANTLY TELLING ME ALL THE NASTY STUFF THAT IS NOT KNOWN GENERALLY. BUT YOURS WAS A BIT DEEPER AND MORE INFORMATIVE. I HAVE LEARNED TO STOP JUDGING AND JUST LISTEN, SO MY REACTIONS TO SLIGHTS AND PUT DOWNS IS AMBIVALENT. I MUST SEE THINGS IN THE LIGHT, AND UNDERSTAND THE CONTEXT IN WHICH THEY ARE SAID (GOOD AND BAD) TO BE OF ANY USE TO ANYBODY. OTHERWISE I FAIL AT DISCERNMENT. MUCH THANKS. Dear Zap, I found this post this morning on this blog and I was wondering – ARE THESE PEOPLE NUTS or What? Do they actually think that all of the plans made by the Dragon Families (Grandfather) is centered around the point made in Item #6 in the attached document ? 6. THAT AS A RESULT OF THIS AND OTHER EGREGIOUS CRIMINAL ACTIVITY, THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA AND THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION, ALONG WITH THE 200+ COUNTRIES THAT HAVE SIGNED THE “GOLD TREATY”, HAVE SPECIFIED THAT NO FUNDS WILL BE RELEASED, VIA CURRENCY REVALUATION OR PENALTIES AND REDRESS OF THEFT, UNTIL THE INITIAL STEP OF THE TREATY AND MOSCOW AGREEMENTS HAS BEEN MET, i.e., THE DELIVERY OF THE CODES AND FUNDS TO MICHAEL C. COTTRELL, B.A., M.S., FOR THE FUNDING OF THE NEW TREASURY OF THE REPUBLIC OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.” Can you please comment (seriously, all kidding aside, even the purple pig puns ) and let us know what the *** this is about (i.e. true or false). I personally have waited 15 years for this event to happen and after reading Poof & your comments all those years, it hard for me to think that NOW, right when funding is actually happening, that something like this would pop up. Thanks, Your Friend, BM YOU HAVE POINTED OUT A VERY IMPORTANT ITEM. THE MICHAEL COTTRELL AND KEENAN AND WANTA ELEMENTS OF THE RESET ARE JUST THAT… THEY ARE ELEMENTS OF THE RESET. THE VERACITY OF THESE ELEMENTS ARE INDISPUTABLE, AND THEY ARE REQUIRED TO BE ADDRESSED. HOWEVER, THE ELEMENTS THAT GRAND FATHER IS TAKING CARE OF THROUGH THE RELEASE OF THE MATRIX FUNDS TO ALL CORNERS OF THE WORLD FOR OTHER PURPOSES ARE MOVING ALONG UNIMPEDED. THESE ELEMENTS ARE SEPARATE FROM THE OTHERS, AND THEY TOO WILL CHANGE THE FINANCIAL INFRASTRUCTURE OVER TIME. THIS IS ALSO THE SOURCE FOR THE PROJECT FUNDINGS THAT I AM DIRECTLY INVOLVED WITH. SO THE SHORT ANSWER IS THAT THIS REQUIREMENT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE OTHER RELEASES NOW IN MOTION. Subject: Benjamin Fulford 1-6-15. “The US dollar is now backed by gold but the war criminals remain free” Posted by benjamin, January 6, 2015 It is now clear that the internationally traded US dollar is backed by gold. The evidence for this is the fact that recently the dollar has changed in value against a basket currencies in a way that closely tracks how gold performed against these currencies. HYPERLINK “money.cnn/data/currencies/” money.cnn/data/currencies/ HYPERLINK “ino/b…s/#.VKePaXsmlB0″ ino/b…s/#.VKePaXsmlB0 The internationally traded gold-backed dollar and Chinese Yuan are both now under the control of the Dragon (Asian royal) families, the British Royal family, the Chinese communist government, the Swiss banking families and their allies. However, we are hearing from them that resistance continues from elements of the US corporate government who are using derivatives to continue to create un-backed dollars to buy up the stock market. They also managed to put an illusory $100 billion into their account on December 31st to postpone their bankruptcy. The other thing that is clear is that we still have the Barack Obama regime in the US, as seen daily on the corporate propaganda media, refusing to prosecute known war criminals like George Bush Jr and Dick Cheney. Members of the military and the agencies who are reading this article need to look at the following link which we have independently verified to contain true information [see this Kp blog post]: HYPERLINK “journal-neo.o…es-dick-cheney/” journal-neo.o…es-dick-cheney/ The next thing to do is to ask their immediate superior officer why these people are not being arrested. Whoever in the chain of command, starting with Obama, who is protecting these criminals, needs to be removed. This can be done using the existing legal system. If everybody does not personally take action along these lines, the cabal rule will not end and humanity will not be freed. This author, for his part, will be using landlines to phone various cabalists, such as Dick Cheney, to demand their surrender. We are hearing that Barbara Bush is now frantically fighting to keep the Nazionist power structure intact. She is behind recent reports that Nazionist leader George Bush Sr. left the hospital (if he did there were no witnesses). Message to Barbara Bush: if you do not surrender immediately, your family is certain to be jailed and even executed. We will also be seeking proof that many of these people, such as Obama and Cheney, actually exist and are not fictitious entities created either by agency propagandists or a rogue AI. If it is determined that a rogue AI has hijacked the internet and the financial system, then, as a desperate last resort, allies of the White Dragon Society have used hand-written messages to organize, if necessary,… Janis ONLY LOVE PREVAILS WOW. THAT’S A MOUTHFUL TO CONSIDER: A ROGUE AI AS THE MASTER MANIPULATOR OF THIS WORLD’S SYSTEMS. THIS IS PLAUSIBLE CONSIDERING THE LEVEL OF TECHNOLOGY THAT IS BEHIND THE CURTAIN, BUT IMPROBABLE CONSIDERING ALL OTHER FACTS AND EVENTS THAT ARE CLEARLY DOCUMENTED AND VERIFIED. YOU ALSO HAVE TO GO LOOK AT BLOODLINES TO KNOW THE TRUTH. ALL OF THE ABOVE NAMED PEOPLE SHARE A COMMONALITY THAT IS NOT EVIDENT AT FIRST, AND YOU HAVE TO DIG A BIT TO UNDERSTAND IT. DO SOME RESEARCH. I WILL COMMENT THAT THE WHOLE SYSTEM AS IT IS RIGHT NOW, IS INTERRELATED, BUT NOT VISIBLY. THAT IS WHY THE GLOBAL RESET IS UNDERWAY. BUT, THE POLITICAL SIDE, INTERESTING AS IT IS, IS NOT THE PROVINCE THAT I WORK IN, SO I REALLY DO TRY TO STAY AWAY FROM THE POLITICAL STUFF THAT, ALTHOUGH NECESSARY, IS VEXING AND TIRESOME AT BEST. SO TO END ON A CHEERY NOTE, SNUFFLES THE FLYING PURPLE PIG, HAD THE FLU, BUT HE IS MUCH BETTER NOW. KEEP STRONG AND BRING IN THE LIGHT TO ALL YOU DO. GOD BLESS AND LOOK TO THE STARS. ZAP “GOD IS; I AM; WE ARE” “BE GOOD, BE LEGAL, TELL TRUTH” January 7, 2015 Copyright ZAP 2013-2015 Love and Kisses, “THE OFFICE OF POOFNESS” Susan and Staff
Posted on: Fri, 09 Jan 2015 03:43:22 +0000

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