ZEMA’S ZONE 1 AUGUST 2013 ARIES 21 MARCH – 19 - TopicsExpress


ZEMA’S ZONE 1 AUGUST 2013 ARIES 21 MARCH – 19 APRIL Stop doing things for someone who doesn’t want them, Aries. You’re knocking yourself out for someone who either actively resents it, or doesn’t actually give a damn. Move on, you’ve got better things to do. Money improvement coming up, just bide your time. An old friend may suddenly appear out of nowhere, so be prepared to listen to a lot of useless gossip. Or not – you make the decision. TAURUS 20 APRIL – 20 MAY Renovations at home look good – just make detailed plans and be careful of over-spending. Have a family meeting and decide what everybody needs and then go ahead with it. Involve everybody in the changes so that they all feel as if they have had a part in it. Relationships in general look good, just keep at it. There may be some sort of permanency coming up soon, so think carefully. GEMINI 21 MAY – 20 JUNE You really have upset a lot of people lately, but this can be overcome if you crawl on your belly with apology and then go all out to prove that you can do better. You have something at work where you have to throw yourself in and prove what you’re made of. Get your name up in lights as soon as possible and then stick to your guns – you can’t go wrong if you work as hard as you can. CANCER 21 JUNE – 22 JULY You’re making enemies left and right and screwing up work possibilities as far as you go. You may be stressed and you may get over the stress, but not everybody will get over your treatment of them. Wake up, Cancer! You’ve got things to do and the sooner the better. There’s a new beginning waiting for you if you can stop thinking of yourself for one minute and cut down on enemies. LEO 23 JULY – 22 AUG Once you’ve discovered that cutting yourself off from people is not going to get you very far, you may consider the fact that if you can possibly get some of your workload off your back, you can deal with other issues, such as making yourself more visible to the world. There is someone who is dying to be your friend, but you are fighting it all the way. Take some time to relax and rethink. VIRGO 23 AUG – 22 SEPT You need to re-focus and spend more time looking at possibilities out there. There are all kinds of things waiting for your attention – work opportunities, family ties and even romance, believe it or not. Some poor person is dying to take you on – we all feel so sorry for him/her! This could, however, give you the new start you have been waiting for, so please, be open to suggestions… LIBRA 23 SEP – 22 OCT You and your partner are doing slightly better right now, but you still have issues to sort out – the sooner the better. Keeping things close to your chest is not the way to deal with it, all it could end up doing is making your resentment deeper. Work will improve if you practice patience and forbearance with people who are not as sharp as you are. The time to shine is on its way. Wait. SCORPIO 23 OCT – 21 NOV If there is something coming up soon that could be life-changing in any way, look at it from a positive point of view. Once the difficult part is over, everything in general seems to pick up hugely. There are people who support you constantly, even if you are not aware of it. Some new ideas, artistic if possible, could go a long way to making you aware of how talented you are. SAGITTARIUS 22 NOV – 21 DEC A financial opportunity presents itself soon – think about it carefully and make detailed plans. It could end in great success, depending on how you handle it. Pay attention to the details – this could be the thing you have been waiting for for so long. If you have travel plans right now, wait it out – now is the time to concentrate on work. Get some good advice from someone in the know. CAPRICORN 22 DEC – 19 JAN This week could see a break-through in your relationship. It’s getting to the point where undiscussed issues just HAVE to be discussed, no matter how difficult. The present situation cannot go on indefinitely, and you both know it. Just be careful of what you say – words can never be unsaid and they will be remembered forever. Through all of this, keep your temper at all costs. AQUARIUS 20 JAN – 18 FEB Don’t make waves in your work situation at the moment – you have too much to deal with on the home-front. That difficult person needs to be faced for once and for all and the sooner, the better. Once that’s done, you can start with your new plans and move forward at a speed. Something inventive grabs your fancy, and if you grab it fast, it may even turn out to be more lucrative than you think. PISCES 19 FEB – 20 MARCH Time to jack things up, Pisces – at home and at work. The more silent you become, the further away everybody drifts. You can only talk to a blank wall for so long, and then even the most intrepid trier gives up. You know you have to make plans for the future, but you are steadily avoiding them. Avoid, avoid, and watch how much you stand to lose…Get your brains back, will you?
Posted on: Thu, 01 Aug 2013 10:39:42 +0000

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