ZIONISM - A COUNTRY FOR ONLY ONE RACE IS IMMORAL It was immoral when NAZI Germany attempted to create a Homeland ONLY for the Arian race expelling Jews, and other ethnic groups! It is then obviously also wrong that Zionist Jews have created a Homeland only for ethnic Jews from around the world who have never even seen Israel, while expelling, or limiting the rights of non Jews, particularly Palestinian Muslims that have lived in that same geographical area from the beginning of recorded history! Its clearly immoral even if portrayed as heroic by American media & Hollywood movies! It is ironic that Jews that were discriminated against by a NAZI Germany created ONLY for Arians would create a country ONLY for Jews! I guess racial prejudice is fine as long as it is not against Jews! That is what this war is really about despite the propaganda of the Israel Lobby & the terrorism of Hamas! You’ll see that if you look at the factual history regarding the forming of Israel & expulsion of Palestinian Muslims! We could all support an Israel that treated all racial & religious groups democratically. Israel does not! The U.S. should require a political ally like Israel to live up to democratic ideal if we send them five billion dollars a year! We lecture China about democracy while Israel places Jews above all other religious & ethnic group! Dont we believe in our own democratic ideals?
Posted on: Mon, 04 Aug 2014 20:17:41 +0000

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