ZONNiNG, NASARAWA NORTH LEADERS&THE REST OF US. Every moment in life is a moment of history. Every present action immediately becomes past n d role played 2day wil be remembered 2morrow wit pride or shame, satisfaction or regret. Yet sm moments r clearly more momentous dan others n represents far greather opportunities n dangers. These r often moment of crisis. The defection of hon Damishi luka frm APC 2 PDP is indeed a moment of sober reflectn n hs plunge our state in to a poltical confusn. 4 d leaders of nass north particularly xristain, it represented an opportunity once more 2 make a move for governorship n power shift frm nas south which is portrayed as d source of all d problems of nass state. D desire 2 win over power is d natural goal of every political activist. D use of religion sentiment, propaganda, lies, deceptn, has been d hallmark strategy aimed at attaing these political goals. Yet d choice of which method is appropriate in a specific polity is a difficult 1 requirin a high sense of perceptn, a knowledge of history, a natural intellegence n political sophisficatn. In chosin d path of religion sentiment n ethnocetrism diatribe, d leaders of nass north hv 1 more displayed 2 d state their political naivety n set d stage 4 anoda defeats dat may see them remainin in oppositn in d next 4 yrs. I am an ardent believer n advocate of power shift to nass north but d resolve by our leaders to use sentiment is totally unaccepted. Our leaders shld challenge n criticize Ta-al on principle n performance.
Posted on: Fri, 07 Mar 2014 08:33:52 +0000

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