Zacchaeus was a calculating character, but had not guessed on - TopicsExpress


Zacchaeus was a calculating character, but had not guessed on dealing with anybody like Jesus, never imagining such a man. He felt His inner self exposed to the most genial judge in the world. This Jesus felt sorry for Him – He loved him. His shrunken soul began expanding like a sponge in water. Then a thought stole into his mind that had never penetrated him before, the idea of giving money away to the poor. Jesus saw it and said “Today has salvation (deliverance) come to this house.” That is deliverance, a sample of things to be. However, saving this crook had a cost, namely, Christ’s reputation. Zacchaeus worked for the occupying power of hated Rome and the people saw Jesus befriend him. It damaged Jesus’ popularity. His foes would make much of it. His reply may have cut little ice with these unbending critics, but it uncovered the truth about the character of Jesus. He said “The Son of Man came to seek and save what was lost” (Luke 19,10). That sums up Jesus, our Lord. If it sums up any of us, it is enough that we are as our Lord. It is not reputation we seek, but renewed lives. God bless you. REINHARD BONNKE
Posted on: Sat, 20 Jul 2013 12:56:43 +0000

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