Zakaat Al-Fitr: Allaah has prescribed for us, at the end - TopicsExpress


Zakaat Al-Fitr: Allaah has prescribed for us, at the end of Ramadan, a great deed with which we can make amends for our deficiencies within that month. By doing this, we can also gain immense rewards; Allaah Says (what means): “He wants for you to complete the period and to magnify Allaah for that (to) which He has guided you; and perhaps you will be grateful.”[Qura n 2: 185] Therefore, Allaah also prescribed Zakaat Al-Fitr [end of Ramadan alms-giving] for us as a sign of gratitude to Him for facilitating fasting and night prayers for us, to purify us from any obscenity we may have uttered and as a feeding for the poor and the needy in order to promote the brotherhood and unity among the Muslims. The amount to be given is one Saa’ [approximately 3 kg] of wheat, rice or any other staple food of the land. It is to be given by every Muslim, be they young, old, male or female. It is also rewardable if it is given on behalf of the unborn foetus. It is best given between the Fajr and ‘Eed prayers (on the day of ‘Eed) but there is no harm if it is given a day or two before ‘‘Eed. It is recommended to give it out in foodstuff as it has been explicitly explained in the Hadeeth and in accordance with the practice of our righteous So give this charity out, for Allaah has only asked you to give a negligible amount of the huge bounty that He has bestowed upon you. We should continue in our good deeds even after Ramadan and be constant in observing the five obligatory prayers and other acts of worship. We should know that among the signs of the acceptance of a good deed is to continue and be steadfast in performing that deed, and that it is only the evil people who know and worship Allaah in Ramadan only.
Posted on: Wed, 07 Aug 2013 13:24:14 +0000

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