Zambia Reports Nkomeshya Fuming over Kabimba’s - TopicsExpress


Zambia Reports Nkomeshya Fuming over Kabimba’s Dismissal Clement Malambo | September 1, 2014 Nkomeshya of the Soli people is said to be very upset with the recent dismissal of Wynter Kabimba as Justice Minister and Patriotic Front Secretary General saying the ruling Patriotic Front does not belong to one tribe only. A source very close to the Chieftainess has told Zambia Reports that Nkomeshya believes some senior PF officials did not want Kabimba to ascend to the PF top job because he does not belong to their tribe. “The Chieftainess believes there is serious tribalism in PF behind the scenes. Some people like Willie Nsanda, Yamfwa Mukanga including GBM himself believe that PF is for a certain tribe,” the source said. The source said Nkomeshya has been making attempts to speak to President Sata but to no avail. Further, the source said a serious crack in the PF will soon be seen between those from the Bantu Botatwe group and the Kola group. “Do not be cheated that the PF will not crack. It will, the Solis, Lenjes, Lambas and others considered small tribes like Sala for Kabimba feel as though they are second class party members and those like Bembas and other languages linked to Bemba and may be Easterners think they are first class member,” the source said. The source said PF senior members like Sylvia Masebo and Geoffrey Chuumbwe may soon start showing signs of resentment towards the party leadership. “Just wait, for Nkomeshya to complain, it means Masebo is also not happy and you know that Masebo’s influence in the PF can not be under estimated,” the source said.
Posted on: Tue, 02 Sep 2014 12:37:48 +0000

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