Zane, Hello. This WILL be long....Im writing for advice or - TopicsExpress


Zane, Hello. This WILL be long....Im writing for advice or maybe to vent? And to state my opinion on how much our system is screwed up. On March 15, 2014 my daughter and Is life got flipped upside down and torn apart. That day will forever change our lives. Especially my daughter, whom is 12 yrs old. Shes my life!!!! Anyways...on that day just not even 3 months ago my life shattered into a million little pieces! I was at work that day. At 6:06 that evening I got a call from my daughter, all I hear is her screaming, and crying telling me she was raped!!!!!!!! I dont recall my drive home...I just know I had called 911. Now I got home before the cops arrived, I remember walking into my home scared, mad, hurt and freaking out cause I didnt know where she was! I began screaming her name! Finally I found her locked in her room! She wouldnt open her door till I was right at it! I remember crying and holding her...than heard all the sirens. She kept saying he was coming back he was going to kill us, all my anger hit and I told her no, he got close id kill him first (that point in time I didnt think those words hurt her too) when the cops got there, I was pulled away from her, taken outside and questioned. See the man that done this, was someone that was a part of our lives for 7 yrs! She thought of him as a dad!!! They were asking questions I had no answers for I knew nothing of what happened to her or where he went or where the other kids where!!! I panicked and shut totally down! I couldnt be with my daughter inside our house, I sat there crying, shaking, and lost, confused, angry, I can go on forever. Finally they loaded us up and took us to the ER. Again I couldnt be with her, I didnt get to see my daughter for 9 long hours!!!!! No updates NOTHING! I got angry again, I needed to know if my baby girl was okay! I still knew nothing! Finally it was time to see her, everything faded when I seen her face, I just held her and listened to her say she was sorry, she didnt mean to anger him, she didnt understand what she done! I kept telling her she did nothing, nothing at all! Now when we were finally released to go, we did go back to our home, it was 5 in the morning. She wouldnt sleep, we had to seriously barricade ourselves in due to he wasnt found yet! We didnt sleep. At 10:35 Sunday morning (March 16th) my cell phone went off saying I had a text that JERK (nicest word Ive used) sent me a text from MY DAUGHTERS phone!!!! Saying he was so so sorry for what he done an boys were dropped off at a safe place! I called the police the pinged the phone and caught him in Georgia. Now after he was caught my daughter totally shut down and slept! When she woke she freaked out yelling she couldnt live there in our house anymore! Thats when I learned what happened, he took her into HER room and tied her up and raped her, and left her tied up!!!!! (Saying that kills me) she said he told her if she moved hed come in and kill her, she heard him telling the boys to get there shoes on and she heard the car leave. She said she waited a few mins to call me. How she got untied Ill never know but that says she was thinking and figured it out. (He tied her to the bed post) we had to leave that house, we had roommates as well who were out of town that same weekend. Now we are staying with friends and upon returning to get things from the old home we found they stole my daughter clothes, movies, toys, bikes, wii stuff, some of my clothes, and other items...I went off on them and police said they couldnt do anything. Well lets add more right? My work put me on FML that same day this happened. Than we were told we had to put a order of protection out on him (why hes behind bars with a 150,000 bond) but I listened now this pissed me off here we were a week after and my 12 yr old daughter has to go to court! For a restraining order!!!! They told her due to he didnt have a lawyer at that time he could question my child!!!! NO! I was NOT going to allow that!!!! She was already the victim! She flipped and judge did a continuance so next hearing was 2 weeks later Ill just say we have the order. How can our system make our children more of a victim to face the monsters who hurt them? How fair is that? Now weve gotten SOME clothes thanks to those that havent turned there backs but not a lot she has NO toys no nothing! I cant return to work, shes was in therapy 3 weeks after but now in a lot of therapy for making comments she cant do this anymore she doesnt want to be here! How do I also get her to understand when she begs to have our own place I cant do anything? (Again left that home cause she couldnt stand being there due to her room) and I dont think it would of been healthy.... Or buy her more clothes? Shes already lost so dam much I feel like the worst parent ever!!!!! His charges are 1st degree kidnapping and 1st degree rape, and a 3rd charge as of last week of indecent liberties with a minor (((Zane please dont post his name but here our some things about it))) And heres a copy of a recent letter from our DA MY RESPONSE: I am so sorry to hear this and I did look at the documents you sent me. Your daughter needs counseling immediately. I am not sure if you have looked into that yet. I would like to get her some clothes so please email me her sizes. Without giving out any names, I see the court records are from North Carolina. Maybe someone on this page can give you some resources that may help her and you to deal with this. He is a disgusting individual and I hope they throw him up underneath the jail.
Posted on: Tue, 10 Jun 2014 15:36:11 +0000

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