ZaneOrionLeoTsabboth:…...?††=Upon the very entrance of the - TopicsExpress


ZaneOrionLeoTsabboth:…...?††=Upon the very entrance of the man dressed in leather clothing yelling his name from afar, Zanes footsteps came to a cease dead center of the Death God forest. Having every word resonate through his audits, the man had in fact asked him upon a request to spar, even more so of a stronger request, spar until one shall no longer live. Zanes cold sentient being stood in place with a lucid stillness, seeing the man had already removed a large blade from his back having satanic skulls for decorations along the blade and its handle, the mouth of a vampire skull opened wide in the center where the blade and the handle attached. Zane himself knew from his given appearance that it was the man mentioned in the description to the Black Rose Society, an organization he himself formed and ended with his own hands after losing his family and all ties. He was up against the top henchman of Szandour Tsabboth himself with an 850k. He could hear the thick metallic blade from afar resonating to his audits in a deathly tone, though his entity stood there like a stone as if he were no longer phased from a single being, a higher level of intelligence influenced and ordered by none but he himself. His thick raven black hair covered over his optics, his frame and features completely different from the time all had known this man, the aura darker and in fact colder then what was seen even whence leading the old society. His existence in the area caused one to wish they hadnt been alive, especially to ask this man upon an offer to a spar. He could read the pure adrenaline through the males veins without even giving the eye contact, his intelligence reaching a level where he could predict and understand another before him, their intentions and all. Its as if he took 5 seconds of another man or females presence/existence, and comprehended their ways of living and why they do the very things they do. Zane though, abhors the existence of many around him, after losing everything he ever owned, losing his two blood sisters, his own parents to the man that in fact had a connection with Malaki that stood before him, and the love of his life, he held no connection to a single soul. This man had suffered mentally to the point of having his presence, his existence, and the aura around his very being incomprehensible, none could understand why he was even alive or if he were alive. Maybe Zane had died long ago without ones knowledge, but all that could be noticed from this image standing there in such a lucid stillness, was either a pigment of ones imagination or a being with an incomprehensible existence all together. This put many in question in their very thoughts. Finally, after what seemed to be an eternity, caring less of ones patience he slowly parted his porcelain lips to speak in a low sinister tone that seemed to glide through the air with an increasing wavelength the further it traveled, an after effect of causing one to tremble and feel numb from his voice alone, deathly, gone, incomprehensible.=†† You draw thyn blade upon me and ask for a battle, all within the time period of your entrance...Malaki, I will show you, nothing but mercilessness, you do understand that.††=Upon saying these words with such a serious tone giving no emotion, His right foot gave a little shift along the parched grounds with pebbles and debris moving along the boarder of his black kombat boots until repositioning his left foot to angle his entity diagonal to Malaki. Now, Zane placed him within his field of vision remaining silent once more as if he weren’t existing, having the Kilogan Trillex inactive within his optics given to those who bare the Tsabboth blood. This optical prowess allowed Zane to see all within the physical plane, ethereal plane, and lastly the mental and astral planes of existence. The Kilogan Trillex is a dangerous optical prowess capable of various things, its settings mainly fixated upon the altering of chronokinesis, gyrokinesis, and lunarkinesis. Now, this was the first stage of his optical prowess, though there is a second and final stage of his optic power known as the Tsonora Trillex, the altering of asterokinesis, oneirokinesis, and essekinesis. This had the man modded with time and reality to a level incomprehensible to those around him, thus leaving him at a god-like level baring no concern or fear in losing his life, the addition of already being dead losing everything he ever owned. His optical prowess left him in a very high advantage, and for greater addition this man had his own natural abilities along with his familiars hidden within his Greek summoning coin Lithium Fey. He had multiple summons to use though only had control of three for the time being, Nefasturris{The tower of sin and chaos}, Ninfolly{Death God}, and Ikiris{Daffalkr elf}. For todays wielding weapon on the other hand, he had only a dark crystal within his pocket, in which allowed him to form it into a crystalline scythe he named Daffalkr Tetra, a four bladed scythe formed of crystal and his own mana. All together, this left him within the control of aerokinesis, heliokinesis, erebikinesis, fulminokinesis, cthonikinesis, audiokinesis, electromagnetokinesis, Geo-thermokinesis, lonikinesis, and lastly etherkinesis. He waited for the man at his right an approximate 30 feet away from him to make his final decision, Zane possessing much power unexposed to him, he knew he had much in his control over the hundreds of thousands of years of his ranking of a fallen archangel without showing a sign of overestimation nor underestimation. Every being within existence is capable of many things even out of his own hues, though thats another thing that made him a stronger being, to never read a book by its cover no matter how strong of god-like he could visualize himself to another. He slowly parted his lips to speak once more while slowly removing his blade from its sheath, the Kusanagi blade. His own blade made of obsidian metal in the hue of black, having a hook design near the very bottom of his blade with the hilt shaped into a star having 6 prongs. The blade itself along the very back had mechanical bridges aligned to the very top, a section of the blade from behind missing with a silver bar having a twirled shock system attached, this was definitely a blade of lightning manipulation and specially made for Zane.=††… Then I suppose I’m game, Malaki. Let us continue, and dont leave a single opening for me or else you might as well call this a check mate.††=Slowly and subconsciously as he stood there responding to the male by the name of Malaki, Zanes entity lit up with sparks of black electricity tearing light thin cracks of stone upon the grounds rupturing any nearby solid objects, this form of electricity is an eternal form of lightning formed of mana, only do be deactivated upon the users call. It is a known fact that lightning moves in the speeds of an approximate 224,000 mph depending on the air in the atmosphere, having an exchange of energy and plasma. False light from the black electricity triggered from the energy in the air around his entity only obtained from being a descendant of anarchy possessing dark essence, now twirling his katana into reverse planting his feet firmly upon the ground sliding his right foot back into position. Keeping the katana at his right side, he gave a flex of his arm charging the energy into his katana, trapping and condensing protons and electrons around the shimmering metal blade, the atoms moving at such high speeds vibrating and unseen to the human optics causing the blade to heat into a higher temperature. Having this done, the black lightning traveling around his frame hungered for energy like gluttony, the waves of electricity form around the blade having Zane focus the blades energy into a stronger density, 3 light flickers emitted from his weapon sounding like a high pitch ring. The moving black electricity became a heavy solidified plasma glowing around his blade in amethyst hues, he was now able to slash 3 waves of compressed energy toward his opponent having the power increased 3 fold in replacement of losing a great deal of speed. It didnt take long before his emerald optics gave a threatening viridescent flash, the hand possessing the blade swiftly moves from his side slashing 3 waves of compressed plasma in the direction of his opponent all being 0.30 seconds of constant slashing in different angles. His frame took different and fluent powerful positions for each given slash showing this man was rather skilled upon his feet, the condensed crescent waves rupturing the air to the point of causing a disoriented effect of the atmosphere tearing the grounds from underneath. The 3 waves of energy approached his opponent in the speeds of 600 mph, if it |-werent-|condensed it would of course have its speeds of 224,000 mph approximately, the sound of high buzzing and ringing follows the thick compressed waves of energy waiting to impact his opponent causing paralysis and high heated levels of burning rupturing any muscles and tendons on impact. The speed and density of the electrons going through the cells of every given plasma attack have the capability of causing substantial burns, depending on the potential difference {=voltage=} and current. Also, one of the most deadly effects is that it interrupts the communication between the 2 nodes (atria ventricular node and the senatorial node) which help your heart maintain a steady, rhythmic beat, having them use electric pulses to signal each other to beat. A significant enough pulse of electricity can give his opponent an irregular heartbeat, or in fact even stop the communication, therefore stopping the opponents heart all together.=†† MalakiDetrivoux666: ††=Malaki could already tell from the way Zane spoke, he was in for a very intense and serious spar against this male. He did enter the region asking to take him on as an assassin for Szandour Tsabboth, now he could see just from his appearance Zanes ancestor Szandour was not joking with the mans power He readies his blade with a charging essence narrowing his hues.=††...So you are going to use an element that Im heavily experienced in...Well lets see how far this takes you, Zane Tsabboth.††=without further more to say, Malaki stood in his very spot while the other prepared his sword behind him taking on a position ready to strike him at any given moment of time. Not a single emotion left the mans face, watching the black currents of versatile electricity wrapping around his opposites entity tearing along the grounds that he himself stood upon. The electricity to him was a beautiful and dangerous element, one of the most difficult incomprehensible elements to ever come across. the male atomize[activate] the kilogan trillex having a clear wave of energy disperse from his entity wrapping around him in the visualized effect of glass flames. A high loud piercing resonance lifts through the air with a sharpness, having his blade tip rested along the ground slowly lifting it for the approaching waves of plasma. These optics this gave him an advantage to evade such a high speed attack falling in the category of electricity. Upon watching the first wave of plasma approach him at a speed of 600 mph seen from the calculation of his optical powers, he balls his free hand allowing the gravity to warp and disorientate in the very space before him, angled in the exact same angle of the crescent wave allowing the plasma to in fact split upon contact. This caused the energy and force to push him back, though with the altering of gravity he built himself a force from behind allowing him to remain in his spot, in replacement of having the grounds tear and break behind his entity with a blank expression upon his face. Not long after, in fact 0.30 seconds right after the first wave of energy, he shifted the gravity pull matching the angle of the second wave causing the same effects to occur mimicking that of the very first wave of plasma. This caused the grounds under him to give out once more, his boots digging deeply into the stone without a single budge backwards due to the gravitational force keeping him anchored to the grounds practically cushioning him from behind. Though, he studied the mans movements from afar seeing how skilled he he was upon his feet for all three waves having one last wave approaching his direction, once more matching the angle of the wave allowing it to sever the plasma before him, watching its dark energy fold and split around him with such a strong density, almost causing the force of gravity he held to weaken with a little strain to his arm holding his ground from the powerful pressure it caused upon him, hearing the rip in his arm muscles from the force. The grounds once more from under his feet began to rupture and break into larger chunks of stone, he then lowered his strained arm now taking his thick blade and slashing it horizontally allowing the gravity he altered before him to slash in the direction of Zane in the very same speeds of the 3 plasma waves. All that was seen was a clear ripple of gravity headed his direction almost invisible to the human optics, Malaki in fact absorbed the pressure and power from the three waves having the density of all three waves ready to clash into Zanes mid torso disorienting his internal organs if it were to come in contact with his frame.=†† Not yet, Zane... I like to make things rather difficult for more of a challenge. Lets take this one on for size.††=Without further more to say, the thick line of triple compressed gravity expands from Malaki opening his balled fist, using the kilogan trillex he allowed the force from behind, above, and on the sides of Zane to force him to stay within range, basically anchoring the male to stay in his given spot. For an addition, Malakis hues narrow with a slight twitch to his left optic having the biotic settings in his kilogan trillex to alter the area around the wave adding an energy eraser to the widening wave of compressed gravity. The force ever so great lifting the grounds from below its travel to lift, the chunks of rocks displayed the power seeming to be erased, vanishing within the wave along with any solidified objects that it pulled inside sending it off into another dimension. Zane had an approximate 20 feet to clear a wave with this much power and density, traveling in the speeds of 600 mph ready to erase his being within an instant.=†† ZaneOrionLeoTsabboth: Malaki, you may posses the kilogan trillex putting your inexperienced hands on my families power... but it doesnt matter the information you share with me, we both have the very same abilities and techniques. You speak as if you know me, dont give that worthless talk, Im countless years ahead of you.††=Without further more to say, Zane stood there in a lucid stillness as if he were a statue, his sword remaining at his right side watching the 3 waves sever from the given amount of gravity emitted from Malaki until reaching the very last one. Though, Zane narrows his hues seeing upon the final strike of his plasma wave, it in fact weakened the gravity alter he gave seeing the mans arm strain, he kept a mental note of how much power and density it took in order for him to lose his shielding or gravitational altering all together. Now watching Malaki slashes his sword into a horizontal style attack, a wave of gravity in fact came his direction in the very same speeds of the plasma attacks he had given earlier, this he knew from using the active kilogan trillex within his optics. He not only read the levels of power and density it held seeing it took on the power of all three of the plasma waves, paying closer attention upon its approach the numbers and calculation of the density and power seemed to clear until reaching absolute zero, nothing. He knew exactly what he was causing the wave to alter into, an energy eraser, the rocks only moments later displaying his thesis seeming to vanish upon contact with the approaching wave. Zane prepared himself in the very spot he stood to plan out his evasive move, now feeling his entity forced into place from all directions. His emerald optics widen slightly without an expression to his porcelain labra, knowing the man before him had in fact trapped him in the very spot in order to take on the wave before him dead on, no escape route. Zane could have easily used gravity in return to such a wave, thought any form of gravity and energy he fed to this wave would only expand its power, leaving him with only one option, underground. Without further time wasted, Zane placed slammed his hand to the ground below him, causing the gravity from under to compress in powerful wave lengths, soon causing the grounds to break forming a large crater allowing him further entrance below. He began to slide along the crater walls with his boots having the energy eraser from above to swipe along the trees erasing a section from anything that existed upon the 7 planes of existence, which is why Zane was intelligent enough to know he was incapable of evading a wave that would erase him even upon the ethereal plane. While sliding along the crater wall, he removes his left hand from his pocket obtaining 6 clear orbs, charging them with his black electricity, then plated his left foot on the ground in order to propel himself upward in a spinning fashion tossing the 6 orbs in random directions all tied to his spiritual being like ethereal threads. These orbs would allow him to flash step into any of the given areas where the orbs existed in order to evade fast paced moves like earlier, keeping them within range with his electromagnetic pull having them all travel in random directions in the speeds of lightning. The only reason the orbs stayed within a decent range was from the electromagnetic pull he gave to them as if he were the center of their orbit. He gave a front twist spinning at such a blinding speed tossing sharp lines of amethyst light in random directions emitted from his Kusanagi blade, the resonance of his shimmering blade piercing ones audits while descending downward to the man knowing he could only use his gravitational alter for a 10 second ratio, readying his spin for a timed slash of plasma energy once more to cascade downward in a vertical crescent having the very same power and density of the waves of plasma he gave earlier. Zane knew he was for the time being within range of this attack, having no gravitational activation for a timed period and without preparations to flash step or even teleport from his given location, the crescent wave of plasma ready to impale him within 0.60 seconds with Zane himself 20 feet above Malakis entity. If he were to find a way to defend himself from this wave, he had to also deal with Zanes high spinning ratio of 8 times every passing second, the Kusanagi blade lit with a lining of electricity ready to slash within the center of his entity splitting down the his skull until reaching the stone grounds severing him clean into two slabs of flesh from his quick descend.=†† MalakiDetrivoux666: What...??††=The thick wave headed in Zanes direction, only for him to see the man break the stone structure under his entity with a force of gravity, causing a crater to form in order for him to evade the wave before him diving underground. For the time being, he lowered his hand knowing he had to wait an approximate 10 seconds to alter any gravitational fields, though he narrowed his hues seeing 6 spheres coated in black electricity dart from the large crater with Zanes spinning entity to follow. His left foot slid back watching the man perform a front twist, spinning in a horizontal line preparing another plasma wave around his blade, only to slash it in his direction with the same power and speed as the waves from before. Now he had to think and within 0.60 seconds, little to no time before this wave came in contact with him. His emerald hues widened to the approaching wave, the kilogan trillex atomized[activated] within his hues forming a time barrier around his entity, slowing the time flow by 1/10s. To him, the wave approaching him in the speeds of 600 mph had now reached the speeds of 60 mph, giving him a little more time to avoid such a move. Though he wasnt able to evade this wave due to its distance, therefore he took this time to pull the protons and electrons to his right hand rupturing the aura until having it form into black electricity. The wave was only 5 feet from where he stood, quickly increasing the power levels of electricity to reach that of the wave before him, he clenches his teeth while flexing his right arm having only the time to swipe his sword in an upward diagonal angle clashing with the wave of dark plasma. The wavelengths of power accelerate from the powerful compression, causing him to strain his arm tearing at his tendons. A grunt escapes his lips while slashing his blade upward with more given strength and effort to sever the wave of plasma, having the power tear the grounds at his sides ripping the blade from his hands tossing it along the grounds clattering loudly and sliding from his reach. Thinking he was finished, he had yet another move to dodge, watching Zane himself spinning downward in a rather slow speed thanks to the advantage of the kilogan trillex slowing the time flow. This gave him enough time to plant his foot to the ground dashing backwards keeping out of range from the threatening blade ready to sever him in half, sliding back 20 feet with a back flip using one hand, planting his feet to the ground while clamping his left hand to his strained right arm. He still had 5 seconds until he was able to use his gravitational fields once more, now deactivating the time barrier around his frame giving off the resonance of a high pitch ring. The only problem now, having his time barrier set for a period of time and deactivating it soon after, caused him to lose his eye sight for a brief period of time. He blinked his emerald green hues with a frown upon his face, keeping his blurred vision on the male before him carefully as he thought to himself”Damn...thus far he has an upper hand in this battle, forcing me to use my gravitational fields and my time alter within 10 seconds...Hes testing me by not even using his optical prowess, clever one...the least I can do is stall for time to gain my gravitational fields back”. Malaki then slipped his hand into his left pocket, pulling out the Greek coin by the name of Lithium Fey, the coin of summoning. Without hesitation, the male tosses the coin on the ground before him giving a loud metallic clash as If it weighed 2 ton, soon forming three crosses along the ground only summoning one familiar out of the three he had in possession like Zane himself. On the far left side, amethyst smoke pours from the cross summoning Ninfolly the death god, watching the scythe under the thick smoke cut various lines in a circular fashion until clearing away and exposing an etherized figure with black robbing. Its skull had horns with thick canines, the sockets where the eyes would exist seeped with white smoke, clattering its teeth together with ghostly resonance escaping its mouth. Having the familiar telepathically attached to Malaki, the death god obeyed his orders without a single word uttered aloud, twirling its scythe with a building mana of disintegration forming around the metal part of its blade. Now, the death god slashed a wave in Zanes direction with a loud screeching resonance, destroying the atomic structure of anything its energy came across by breaking down the molecular structure heading his direction at 125 mph. The death God remained in the material plane seeing no threat thus far, both Ninfolly and Malaki waited for the results making sure the card was played correctly.=†† ZaneOrionLeoTsabboth: ††=Zane spun at a very fast accelerated pace upon his descent, with his quick peripherals catching the patterns of Malakis every move each quick spin he gave, his flashing green hues caught him slashing his hand quickly seeing he had little to no time to cancel this wave of plasma slamming down his direction. Now, having the waves crash down on both sides of Malaki seeing he had enough strength to cancel with the exact same power level if not less, he then had to deal with Zanes following move spinning at a very fast pace having his Kusanagi blade coated in a sharp piercing mana of electricity ready to split the male in half. Malakis advantage was atomizing the kilogan trillex, seeing he used it for altering the time flow in a bubble surrounding his frame. He knew this from the very moment of closing in on his entity, his speed pace dramatically changed within 10 feet of nearing Malaki, watching him dash at such a high speed propelling himself backwards to avoid the attack. Zane motioned himself into a crouching position whence having his frame slam to the ground sending a low crash of electricity and debris outward in small wave lengths, slowly positioning himself into a standing position watching the male with a calm and empty expression upon his face. Throughout this entire battle, Zane wasnt only fighting and analyzing Malakis every move the entire on going clashing, though at the same time he was calculating the power of the kilogan trillex in the other individual keeping a mental note of things, the capabilities, etc. He stood there in a lucid stillness having his long black tail lashing behind him both soothingly and violently, causing a rift of air to whip in strands behind him almost visible to the naked eye. He kept his Kusanagi blade coated in electricity, now taking this time to watch Malakis moves closely, not only watching and observing, but planing out his next set of moves and they had to be timed correctly without any given mistakes. Malaki then used the summoning technique, having Zanes hues and expressions remain the same as if he were steps ahead of Malaki, and also saw him as a large waste of energy using too many techniques in very little time, especially with the optical prowess. He then parted his porcelain labra to speak in his monotone voice trailing to the male a couple dozen feet from he himself while Zane twirled his blade slowly at his side subconsciously=†† Malaki, you are currently wasting your time and energy going against me, abusing the power of my family optic prowess and cant even keep a grasp of your weapon, saddening. You may have some of my DNA as an opposite stealing the kilogan trillex, but you have to remember I have had these eyes for hundreds of thousands of years. I find you as an absolute waste of space, therefore Im going to kill you. I know I have the upper hand over you, if you think you can overpower me with these little unavoidable moves not thinking I have things planned ahead, get real.††=upon the two words”Get real”, he tilted his head and narrowed his hues giving a cold and careless expression, still to this very moment keeping his optical prowess deactivated preserving most of his power putting a greater shame on Malaki. The death god known as Ninfolly, slashed a wave of disintegration in his direction in the speeds of 125 mph, to him and his race this was a very slow speed able to dodge at young age. Now reaching the speeds between 500-600 mph would have been a rather impossible speed to avoid within a 30 foot range, though this was a different story. Upon the approach of the wave, Zane slowly tilted his frame in a fluid manner, using momentum and time to swiftly shift his frame away from the wave of disintegration, feeling and hearing the surrounding force follow the wave on its pass with a fluid twist to his entity straightening his frame once more to dash in Ninfollys direction. His entity gave a 45 degree angle having his running pace at a decent speed of 70 mph like that of an average cheetah, the Kusanagi blade found in his right hand in reverse flaring with a high voltage of electricity. The mana transformed into ethereal electricity, which gave off the hue of white fluid like electricity moving in beautiful and threatening currents focused more so on Ninfolly. He knew the death god was currently on the physical plane, in which gave any human or anything solidified allowance to come in contact with Ninfolly, but he used divine ethereal electricity just in case he decided to return to the ethereal plane where any on the physical plane could not come in contact with him. Zane then slashed a wave of the electricity in Ninfollys direction, though its structure began to spread being altered with his fulminokinesis in which he allowed the electricity to react from the proton and electron barrier around Ninfolly causing the electricity he cast to form into a net trapping the creature. He did this while having the 6 orbs of electricity to dart at high speeds in the speeds of lightning itself, seeming to purposely put his focus into the death god ignoring Malaki for the time being, that was his strategy, grabbing his attention having him focus in that particular region. The entire time, he was also compressing the electromagnetic pull of the 6 orbs in order for them to close inward spinning at a high speed causing a very high friction in the atmosphere, which also caused a higher level of energy for his electricity to produce within the spinning barrier of the orbs. He left one orb loose from the barrier for his flash stepping to take place, calmly looking to Malakis direction with his hand lifted to Ninfolly forming a greater charge of energy around the death god, if he gave the slightest bit of movement he would have the net of electrical currents spike inward shocking the death god at a high voltage until shattering into nothing. Little did Malaki know, he was a already in a trap. The spinning orbs went into a clockwise orbit at very high speeds, causing a barrier to form around the entities inside within a 200 foot diameter, the particles charged in the same manner like he had done to the death god, the electrons and protons charging on the very grounds they stood upon ready for any figure inside to make the slightest bit of movement to strike black currents of black electricity to any member inside due to the friction and energy transmitted. Zane himself caused a barrier to form around him in order to have a negative field repel the charge, parting his lips once more while the brutal hungry bolts of charged electricity formed around them in thick strands. He spoke with a blank and depressing look in his expressions.=†† I wouldnt move if I were you, Malaki. Any form of movement will cause the gluttonous black currents of electricity to strike you from all directions, that goes for the death god as well. Im aiming to take you both out in one move. Lets see if you can expand your life surpassing this technique, Id be surprised if you can so use this time to prove me wrong...Act 3: Lightning Inferno strike.††=Upon these very words, Zane waited for the loosened orb from earlier to dash behind Malaki, his entity dematerialized into electrical currents sparking in another location quicker then ones naked eye could follow. Even with the kilogan trillex active for the man with blurred vision could barely spot the traveling energy levels of where he flash stepped, which was right behind him. The momentum of the orb directed to impale his back gave Zane a quicker pace of nearing his entity, the orb breaks returning its levels of black mana back into Zanes spiritual energy making sure to not waste any of his natural mana. He thrusts his blade toward Malakis back aimed directly to his heart having his emeralds wide, flashing with a high piercing resonance, he gave such a deathly creepy glare behind this male meaning”You are going to die at this very moment”, the stare having one tremble to their knees feeling an unbearable level of cold shivers trail up their spine. The black electricity gained from the orb trailed around his blade for better impact waiting to see his next move in which would also more then likely lead to his death depending on his card of play. He said only two words in a cold monotone manner, saying these words as if it were a fact.=†† Check mate. MalakiDetrivoux666: What!?!?!...††=After hearing his next set of words, he spoke in a way he was correct with every bit of information he shared with him, having Malaki speechless due to an overwhelming knowledge base Zane had over him. He was correct with the kilogan trillex, he has had the optical prowess for hundreds of thousands of years compared to his months of having the optic power. Zane didnt lie about him having the lower advantage either, especially if he himself confirmed this in his mind before the man spoke as if he were reading through his mind. This caused Malaki to grow furious, having nothing more to say to the man and at the same time seeing him stand there without a single emotion upon his face reading the levels of depressing aura around his entity. The feeling was ever so overwhelming, he was lost in his very spot not knowing what to do. Seeing him fluently dash the wave of disintegration, dashing in Ninfollys direction trapping him in what seemed to be an electricity net formed on the ethereal planes. Zane really thought his moves out as if he could see every card perfectly, as if he were waiting for him to play a single card within his own ability so he could basically play a game with himself knowing all of the moves like a rigged dice or gambling board. He was gambling his life away without fully understanding or knowing the mans capabilities, pulling out moves similar to Zane though the man knew all the tricks up his sleeve being the original owner for the longest of time. Malaki could now say, he wasnt thinking. His own powers naturally werent on par with Zanes, thinking the kilogan trillex would give him the better advantage, only to find himself abusing its power and failing miserably. He continued to grasp at his arm having his optics bleeding from the stress and overuse of power within a very short time range. His hues twitched with anger and levels of fear, Zane more then likely could read the levels watching his attraction only moments later, telling him not to move due to the electricity and charged particles at his feet or in the air in general, for a man who was feeling the slightest bit of fear hearing the words”Check mate” form behind, Malakis froze in terror seeing Zanes entity was already gone from where he stood. His vision was blurred, seeing a messy trail of mana trail off in one direction more then likely being Zanes high speed traveling. Before his heart could even skip a beat, a blade had already made its way plunging clean through his chest, this caused an excruciating sharp pain to trail through his frame faster then his own mentality could follow. Due to his shock he jolted causing a tear in his heart to spread from the metal blade, the currents of lightning around the blade caused him to jolt feeling the unbearable levels of voltage coarse through his frame causing him to growl and yell in such agony. The muscles and tendons of his body began to lock feeling the eternal shock scorching him continuously, his eyes rolled to the back of his head with saliva dripping from his labra foaming from the vehement force.=†† ZaneOrionLeoTsabboth: And this will be the end for you and the death god, this is why I always analyze and make sure Im on a level where I can understand my opponents power, you failed to do that, Malaki, and it resulted in such a quick death.††=While speaking having his blade continuously scorch and shock Malaki to his death at a fast rate causing substantial burns to his flesh and innards, he calmly placed his hand upon his shoulder while pulling him closer to speak directly into his ear, caring less of the mans level of pain continuing to speak watching his flesh darken and scorch. Electricity was known to be 3 times hotter then the outer shell of the sun itself.=†† Do you want to know why I give people such an empty look?...not only is it because of my two split personality, its also because I see you instantly as a black and white chess piece, boring and without a single shade of color, worthless trash. I can read intelligence in another from first approach, the power levels you all possess even when in dormant stage, all it takes is reading your expressions, your intelligence levels, and knowing your drive of motivation and maturity to control yourself...Huh, thinking you can control the family optical power in such a short period of time without studying the knowledge and power of the eye entirely, is no difference from buying products without the instructions manual. This power takes years of knowledge to obtain, from the time of being a child and understanding its existence...You didnt even live to see its second stage of power from me, you didnt even live to see me use my own blood line trait, like I said, a waste of time and space. But you have written out your own life signing the end of the page saying”I will die today from the hands of Zane Tsabboth.” What a pity, you should be grateful dying from my hands, my blade, and even encountering me within existence. Im going to kill you now before you even feel the slightest tread of regret, I want you to die thinking of me as legendary. Begone with the lightning, you are now deleted from the time line.††=without further more to say, he rips the blade from his chest while removing the males eyes gouging them from his skull, then slips them into a glass container pushing his frame away in order to cause the charged energy under his feet to attract the vehement waves of black eternal electricity to tear downward at his entity frying him into nothingness. The bolts of electricity destroyed the structure of the grounds below Malaki with the heavy thick currents tossing sparks and debris along the grounds standing there in a lucid stillness having nothing more to wait for, his job was completed getting his family optical powers out of the hands of another keeping his blood line clean. All he had to do is take down another who was on a much higher level tainting his bloodline, Szandour Tsabboth.=††
Posted on: Thu, 31 Oct 2013 08:31:06 +0000

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