Zapiski: Za skoraj vse naravne katastrofe,bolezni ki nas - TopicsExpress


Zapiski: Za skoraj vse naravne katastrofe,bolezni ki nas obdajajo smo si dejansko sami krivi 04.08.2013 23:57:16 Spet jaz se opravičujem ampak imam kar nekaj takšnih misli spet se bom razgovoril glede energije mislim da se kar se tiče globalnega segrevanja prav tako kot vseveč bolezenskih okužb,novih bolezni in vsega ne vrti okrog zunanjih dejavnikov ampak smo ravno mi oziroma našo napačno razgledano življenje največji ustvarjatelj vsega slabega kaj se nam sedaj v tem trenutku dogaja par stvari ki sem jih že spregovoril v prejšnjih mislih ampak jih bom poskusil v tej vse približno združiti recimo da začnemo kar se tiče taljenja vročine in nasploh zraka kot nevidne gmote nečesa kar nam daje življenje in zaradi katerega lahko živimo vsekakor vemo da drevesa katera izsekavamo v namene kurjave,postavljanja hiš ter vseh ostalih stvari katere bi lahko delali iz konoplje katera v končno fazo zrase v samo okrog 9 mesecih ljudje se dejansko ne zavedamo da z tem ko sekamo drevesa kljub temu da bi lahko uporabljali alternativne bolj varne vire naravi neškodljive z tem ko izsekavamo sami sebi krademo kisik prav tako naši zemlji predstavljajte si da je kisik nek obhladek na vroč sončni žarek ki pripeka na zemljo in ga na ta način ščiti pred njim... dejansko smo si sami krivi da to zaščito izkoreninjamo kajti če bi se zavedali kaj vse lahko delamo iz edine rastline katera je pri nas prepovedana ne bi bilo potrebno ne sekati dreves(pomeni velik obhladek bolane zemlje ostane) zemlja bi se začela obnavljati zato bi dejansko ljudje ko smo zdaj zemljo že toliko izničili morali stremeti k temu da bi posadili čim več dreves in čimveč rastlinja da bi naši zemlji pomagali da si obnovi ozračje ozon ter vse kaj sodi zraven prav tako je spet druga naravna katastrofa ki nas pesti so potresi vremenske razmere kot so toča,dež,sneg,tornadi,požari,toplenje ledu na severu ipd so tako ali tako posledica strupenih izpušnih plinov tako da o tem sploh ne rabim razglabljat sem na nek način že povedal v začetku tega spisa ki ga pišem... če nebi uporabljali trdo-gorljivih goriv in bi se bolj kot ne posvečali naravnim virom kot je električni pogon vozil,električni pogon morda tudi večjih solarnih tovarn katere nebi izpuščale strupenih plinov v nebo.. ter gretje na vire ki so povratni spet elektrika,ogrevanje ki je v bistvu obnovljivi vir energije ter se ga lahko uporablja skoraj za vse pogone kateri so današnji dan raziskani ni škodljiv za okolico in + da smo posadili nova drevesa obogatili planet z rastlinjom izničili strupene pline mislim da smo povzročili funkcijo obnavljanja naše matere... no da se dotaknem drugih naravnih katastrof kot so tsunamiji,potresi izbruhi vulkanov ipd... ljudje takšni kot smo želimo biti vsepovsod naša radovednost nas žene tudi kilometre pod zemljo tudi zaradi bogatih rudnin kot tudi zaradi kakšnih drugih stvari ampak kot smo seveda poučeni da je jedro zemlje lava oz ogenj to pomeni da po moji pardon kurji logiki verjetno ni glih najboljše da bi se v skorjo zemlje vrtalo nevem koliko kilometrov globoke v zemljo luknje dvomim da je to kar se tiče naravnih katastrof dobro... dovod kisika v nek prostor poln strupenih plinov in tega bi morda lahko povzročil podzemne eksplozije katere bi dejansko lahko privedle do potresov,tsunamijev,tektonskih premikov,lomov tektonskih plošč ter podobno... mislim da sem navedel možnost nastanka za skoraj vsako naravno katastrofo z pomočjo človeške roke če se motim me popravite ;) English Version: I apologize again me but i have some thoughts about which im gonna talk about i would like to say something about energy and global warming,also there are more and more sicknesses,new diseases and everything else,everything doesnt spin around external factors but its us... our wrong way of life the biggest factor of all bad that is happening to us in this very moment a few things about which i have already talked about in previous thoughts but i will try to unite all of them in this short story lets start about melting,fever and air as an invisible factor of something that gives us life and because of which we can live we all know that we use to chop trees in ways of keeping ourselves warm,making houses,and every other things which we could produce from Cannabis which in final phase can grow in about 9 months people really dont know that when we chop trees we steal the oxygen from ourselves and also to our mother Earth imagine that oxygen is some sort of bandage on the hot sunbelt which is heating the earth and i think its some way of protecting us from being burnt...actually its our own fault that we are destroying this protection because if we all knew what we can do from one plant which is in our country forbidden we wouldnt need to chop down trees(that means a big bandage on sick mother earth stays) earth would start to regenerate and if we know that we damaged the earth so badly we can already feel it it would be very nice to keep planting more and more trees plants and everything else to help our mother earth regenerate her ozon and air and everything else that goes to it other natural catastrophies are i dont know how you call it in your country but i will say ice rain,tornados,fires,ice melting on the north etc. they are also a fact of toxic gases that are already all around us thats why i dont need to tell you a lot about this because you already know that but on some way like i already said on the beginning of this article which im writing... if there wouldnt be bad fuels and stuff and we would keep our point on more ecologic way of life like electric vehicles,and also maybe even solar factories etc. which would not let poisoned gases and toxic substances in earth(air etc.) and heating on sources which are returnable again we talk about electricity,heating which can be used as a returnable way of energy resource and we can use it for running almost everything we currently posses if not everything + they arent damagable to nature and us and when we changed this way of thinking planted lots of new trees we enriched the planet our planet with plants destroyed the toxic gases and started the process of healing our mother earth and also other catastrophies are tsunamis,earthquakes,eruptions etc people we are how could i say on some way greedy we want to be everywhere our curiosity is running us even miles,kilometres under underground because of rich mining substances and also for other things... but as we were learnt that the center of earth is magma and fire this means in my way of thinking that i think its not the best to dig miles,kilometres deep holes underground because i doubt this is good for natural catastrophies we all know that if oxygen enters into some closed enviroment where there are other gases which can explode in touch with oxygen i think this why the tsunamism,erruptions,earthquakes happen... breaking of tectonic plates etc i think i explained almost every possibility of natural catastrophies with the help of human hand if im wrong enlighten me. Thank you. Avtorske pravice: Bezjak Dejan Copyrights: Bezjak Dejan
Posted on: Tue, 19 Nov 2013 23:05:57 +0000

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