Zayn was on tour and you were only 8 weeks pregnant. You had - TopicsExpress


Zayn was on tour and you were only 8 weeks pregnant. You had organized to go shopping with Zayns mum. You woke up and got dressed, and waited for Trisha downstairs. The door bell rang and you opened it, and greeted Trishna. You let her in as you closed the door, and walked into the kitchen. “Would you like anything before we leave?” you ask as you grab yourself a glass of water. “No thank you luv, are you okay, you look a little pale?” “No I’m fine.” you say, forgetting that you had been ignoring the small cramps you seemed to be getting every now and again. “are you ready to go?” you say as you grab your bag, keys, and phone. Trishna nods and you both leave, on the way out of the door, Zayn texts you saying, “I get to come home for a few weeks, I’ll be home tonight, Xo love you.” you smile, and tell Zayns mum. You get to the shops and spend the day shopping, you shopped for things for Zayn, yourself, and got ideas for the baby and the babies room. You and Trisha had been shopping for ages, and you were getting tired, so decided to go home. You were sitting in the car talking when you flinched after feeling a sharp pain. Trisha saw you flinch, “are you okay y/n?” she asks keeping her eyes on the road, “I’m fine.” you say trying to ignore the pain. You arrive home and Trisha helps you with the bags and you walk into the house. You put the bags on the table and went to get a glass of water. Trisha was putting the bags on the table when you, drop the glass and sink to the floor from the sharp pain, as you cradle your stomach and start to cry, Trisha runs to you, and holds you while she calls you emergency services. As she does this Zayn walks through the door, “Sweetheart I’m home.” he says looking around for you. You couldn’t bring yourself to answer, clenching your stomach, “Kitchen!” Trisha yells out to him, as he comes running in, to see you on the floor, in pain. Trisha moves so Zayn can take over, he hugs you tightly, as you bury your head into his chest, while you squeeze his arms, trying to get rid of the pain. The last thing you remember was Zayn then stroking your hair trying to calm you down. You wake up in a hospital bed, with Zayn asleep holding your hand, and Trisha awake sitting on the chair. You tiredly look at her as she gets up, “Trisha?” you say looking at her, Zayn stirs awake, “Zayn?” you say starting to tear up. “Luv don’t cry, everything is okay.” Zayn says holding your hand, you look at him weirdly, “what about.” you start to say, “they are fine.” Zayn says, “they?” you say widening your eyes. “you mean we are having?”you again start to say, “twi-” you say as Zayn nods. Trisha then says “you had a close call though, you need to take it really easy for a while.” “Yes the doctor said easy meaning bed rest for a few days, so mum and I are looking after you.” Zayn says as he kisses you on the cheek, and Trisha gets up and says. “I’ll leave you two alone, If you need anything y/n don’t hesitate.” she says giving you a hug, “thank you for everything Trisha.” you say, “any time.” she replies and walks out. You slowly move over and ask Zayn to get in with you. Zayn hesitates at the start but you beg him. He gets in and you cuddle up to him, and fall asleep ~Joanna Styles//https://twitter/ion_joanna
Posted on: Wed, 28 Aug 2013 10:48:57 +0000

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