Zecharia Sitchin Explains the creation and the Blood-of soul - TopicsExpress


Zecharia Sitchin Explains the creation and the Blood-of soul context but the Old Testament concept doctrines remained such as had. Virgin Mary -Immaculate Conception...JesusChrist -Circum cisio-Metzitzah—Moses horns etc. Assumes that the faith is not the same as knowledge and understanding of the Old Testament elements, necessary the Hebrew language. Already in the mid-4th century convert the Goths and Vandals after bloody clashes in part to Christianity.The driving force is the Visigoth missionary bishop Wulfila ,.,For the Germanic worksip anno Domini -around 381-Wulfila their unifying Buch-- Wulfilas Visigoth Bible-translation written. At almost the same time AC.rund is 380 let the Celtic Christians after their expulsion from England in Ireland down on the edge of the known world. So, Christian thought and Celtic roots an independent, Christian Kulrurdevelop . The most famous example of this is the Book of Kells, with a wasteful splendor illustrated gospels handwriting. Later, during the reign of Charlemagne--Charlemagne (/ˈʃɑrlɨmeɪn/; 2 April 742/747/748[– 28 January 814), also known as Charles the Great (Latin: Carolusor Karolus Magnus,)-- But Celtic monks go missionary impulses, they embark on a proper peregninatio christum. Man they called the Green martyrdom. With this prelude to the German Empire (Karl wealth) he blaspheme 312 churches during his reign build, 1254 monasteries and palaces King 1154. During the reign of Charlemagne are copied total 50,000 books. from the Book of Kells . In this huge work was chance for errors that in the later years define of the Christian literatures, and the strict clergy of each transcript identified word for word, even the ones wrong . 1.)Virgin Mary -Immaculate Conception אלמה >> The Jewish language, the Alma word -אלמה = Young Woman אישה צעירה >>The German translator, the Alma -אלמה- Young Woman determination mistakenly Swaps the Jungfrau—Virgo girl -Word.- אישה צעירה., Virgo girl = נערת בתולה. *** Alma >> אלמה >> young woman אלמה A young woman >> אישה צעירה *** Virgin >> מזל בתולה virgo girl >> מזל בתולה 2.)Alma >> אלמה >> young woman אלמה A young woman >> אישה צעירה *** Virgin >> מזל בתולה virgo girl >> מזל בתולה In this way, the concept of Virgin Mary circle as many hat. Blown... Sorry 2.) JesusChrist -Circum cisio-Metzitzah etc. Jesus (/ˈdʒiːzəs/; Greek: Ἰησοῦς Iesous; 7–2 BC to 30–33 AD), also referred to as Jesus of Nazareth, is the central figure of Christianity... Jesus is a Jewish Rabbi of the Jewish -So refers to a national origin, as the Hebrew,. Jiddisch., And Israeli Izraelita-. So its not racist -term (Rasse Die allmählich subspecies) According to the traditional story of Jesus before I was 7-2 -Jesus other. e. Approximately 6.4 December 24, born. The Jewish religion supports under the upcoming Young neonatal foreskin and should be cut within 8 days, after which it is a member of the Israeli nation. This is the first day of January of the next year, so that it comes from the mandatory eight-day-8. The results show temporal events under the Gregorian Calendar, born Aloysius Lilius Italian doctor and Christopher Clavius Germany physician and scientist C completed. Circumcision is followed by metzitzah ... who wants to look after her. Jesus did not want to be a prophet, but he wanted to reform the Jewish religion, but the followers of Prophet made it to become the performed miracles .Az izraeliták nem ismerik el a próféták csodatételeit és semmi más csodát sem. The Israelites did not recognized as miracles the prophets and nor any other miracle. Jesus therefore not a prophet in Israel. 3.) The Moses Horns. Even some wondered about the horned Moses. When you visit Christian sites can be found still Moses sculptures from the Middle Ages, showing him with horns. For example, in Rome, Florence and Dijon. The statue of Moses in Rome comes from the great masters Michelangelo himself. In the church of San Pietro in Vincoli be sitting Moses struck in white marble Carraro, with horns on the head there. He was already on some puzzles and provoked countless interpretations. How did Michelangelo and his colleagues Steinmetz on the idea of Moses horns sit up after they are nevertheless attributed to the devil? This is due to a mistranslation of the passage 2. Genesis 34-35: And the children of Israel saw Moses face, that the skin of Moses face shone. Then Moses put the vail upon his face, until he went in to speak with him. The Hebrew language had no vowels. Readers had to know how the individual words were to emphasize so. Only at the end of the 9th century AD, the Masoretic text has been published. In this text the individual letters points and characters were added to ensure the correct pronunciation. But before that could give a word a completely different meaning a wrong emphasis. If now the Hebrew word for radiation, Hebr. Karan pronounced as kären, then it means horn. And as Horn then it kept its way into the Vulgate, the Latin translation of the Bible. This then was the inspiration for the sculptor. Moses had horns, they read and chiselled respective heads. Michelangelo Buonarroti, too. When he 1513 the contract was awarded, a tomb for Pope Giulio II. To create and his chisel struck the hard Carrara marble in front of the church of San Pietro in Vincoli in Rome, he was unaware that the Latin translation of the Bible text in Exodus 34, 35 contained an error. Because he knew no better, Michelangelo left in the middle of the curls on Moses head two strange formations stand that look like horns. Although this erroneous translation is undisputed and well known, can be found to this day Moses sculpture with two horns on his head And if it stand out from the Mount Sinai in the Moses holding two tablets of the testimony, and he knew that deer was the face of the Lord társalkodásából. (Ex 34,29]), Moses deer in the Face ... The standard Hebrew Dictionary describes a QRN radical, hence the qeren >> horn exp. Some Bible translators have several variants, inaccurate translations try disappear Nephylim horns, according to which the phenomenon of form between Qara and qeren concepts is relationship - A light beam is ground bubbling like a horn, and therefore of Moses Horn of Glory Pictures.: 1.)Moses and the Tablets of the Law by Claude Vignon 2.)Moses by Michelangelo in the Roman church of San Pietro in Vincoli photographed on June 7, 2004. Lora Beebe - Wikipedia User – Gugganij 3.)Especially in light of the golden calf, so Aaron bull cult in the same scene at Sinai after the first down - even if the horn … 4.)Light rays or horns: The tables of the law and the Golden ... Moses with Tablets of the Law 5.)Zecharia Sitchin with VA 243 6.) Cylinder Seal of Pergamon Museum Berlin -Inventory no .: VA 243 . From left to right.: Nimrud the hunter,Inanna the goddess of love and war, Enki by freshwater and sea lord, arms and shoulders, flowing through the life-giving water,feet below the sea seems Oannes head,.,Relief is on the right edge of Enlil, he warlord Earth. All God Annunaki head horn pairs surrounded by the highest number of five pairs of horns , this is the Highest rank of origin .
Posted on: Mon, 05 Jan 2015 18:02:06 +0000

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